should I not be friends with them anymore?

2019-04-17 5:34 am
hi. I am 18, a guy. my friend who graduated last year introduced me to these freshmen (they are now sophomores). I hung out with them a few times when they weren't annoying. (keep in mind, these are girls). anyway, they just kept getting on my nerves. it turns out this girl and I had a few things in common. I told them I work at Target. well that was a mistake. a few weeks ago they were at my store and just stalked me the whole time. they were running around the aisles etc. (I'm in the cashier department). for some reason they bought a **** ton of things. came into my line at LEAST 10 times. they did it again yesterday. should I not be friends with them?

回答 (3)

2019-04-17 11:38 pm
You should at least tell them that they're endangering your job with their shenanigans. Your manager probably isn't going to tolerate much more of this.
2019-04-17 5:57 am
At 18 you should be old enough to make your own decisions about who you want to be friends with, without having to ask random strangers on the internet who don't know you.
2019-04-17 5:36 am
I think you should explain to them what you feel about them and if they don't change you should cut them out of your life
also what does them being girls have to do with the question

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