ever sustained a mild head laceration but nearly fatally bled out because of it?

2019-04-17 5:16 am
Has anyone ever had a seemingly mild cut/laceration on the scalp yet almost bled to death because of it? what happened. how did you stop it? where did you cut? was it an accident?

回答 (3)

2019-04-17 5:22 am
Yeah I had one. Didn't seem that bad because most of the bleeding was internal and I couldn't see it. I basically developed symptoms similar to a stroke and blacked out as I lost too much blood and my brain became starved for oxygen. Thankfully my family is highly aware of FAST and called 911. Dunno exactly how they realized it wasn't a stroke, but they were able to get me into emergency surgery and seal the cut before I died.
2019-04-17 6:30 am
Head injuries tend to bleed profusely due to the location.
They can often look much worse than they are.
If you were on blood thinners and couldn't stop the bleeding, you might eventually bleed out after a few days.
2019-04-17 5:21 am
rnaybe you should go to the er if youre having problerns like this

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:30:09
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