Lugenpresse, "leftists", mass media manipulation, war against minorities, secret police. Does anyone else think Trump mirrors Adolf Hitler?

2019-04-17 4:17 am

回答 (10)

2019-04-17 4:20 am
No, just brain-dead liberals who think every Republican President is Hitler.
2019-04-17 4:18 am
common name-calling lib troll ***************************************************
2019-04-17 4:22 am
Hmmm obama did that
2019-04-17 4:19 am
Nope , Hitler was a progessive
2019-04-18 7:53 am
SCARY, huh? That's how countries fail--- read history if you doubt it!
2019-04-17 4:42 am
Oh ho ho ha ha hee hee.

Keep going with the unhinged hysterical hate speech, libturd. You’re only cementing Trump into office in 2020, you stupid fool.
2019-04-17 4:25 am
No! But you certainly do!
2019-04-17 4:20 am
once again, we see why they're called "talking points" and not "thinking points".....
2019-04-17 5:48 am
No, just you .
2019-04-17 4:18 am
Hitler was more competent than Trump

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