3.Mr.Wang never speaks English without ___ (being laughed at) 為何 laughing 不行 4.The old house needs ___ (painting) 感謝!?

2019-04-16 11:43 pm

回答 (2)

2019-04-17 6:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
3.Mr.Wang never speaks English without ___ (being laughed at) 為何 laughing 不行
without是介系詞。後面的「動名詞片語」當其受詞。「動名詞」是由「動詞」(verb)轉化的「動狀詞」(verbal),但保有原動詞的一些特性,如:及物或不及物,主被動等。to laugh at xxx 改成動名詞 laughing at xxx,是主動且及物,會有受詞的。但to be laughted at或being laughed at就不需要了,因為屬被動的結構,在其邏輯上的受詞已在句子前面當主詞了。本句即屬被動的語意。

4.The old house needs ___ (painting).
The old house needs painting.這時是由「不及物動詞」,轉成「動名詞」來用,當作動詞need的受詞。
The old house needs to be painted.這是由「及物動詞」,轉成「被動態的不定詞」,當作動詞need的受詞。
2019-04-17 6:32 am
(3)the passive voice--being laughed at;(by somebody)
(4)as present participle or adjective to qualify the noun-subject"old house".
2019-04-17 4:02 am
Mr. Wang never speaks English without being laughed at. If you choose the present participle, laughing and then there isn't cope with the passive voice of the main sentence never speaks. The old house needs painting. in this sentence, the painting being acting as present participle or adjective to modified needs. Yip

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