What’s it mean when a guy you’re dating mentions often other guys looking at you and checking you out?

2019-04-15 1:09 am
This guy I’m dating is very chill but it’s not like the third time he’s mentioned casually how every single guy stares at me and even girls are jealous too. For example we went out dancing and he said there were like five guys along the bar just watching me.

Is this a red flag? He says it doesn’t bother him but that it’s funny

回答 (3)

2019-04-15 1:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
It seems he takes some sort of pleasure or pride in you and he believes other people checking you out means you are special. Its highly likely this constant checking you out by others is largely in his head and not real. And that it makes him feel like a big shot if others think you are pretty.

The red flag would be the question of why would he even notice and then why would he tell you. He sounds like an insecure person who needs all these "others" to justify his dating you. If it bothers you, tell him. If he stops, good, if he keeps it up I'd leave.
2019-04-15 1:31 am
If it doesn't bother him then it's not a red flag.
2019-04-15 1:12 am
It means other guys look at you.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:31:23
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