Did he rape me?

2019-04-12 10:32 pm
My boyfriend and I have been together for about 9 months now and yesterday we had sex, no condom and I told him to stop because I had been out of my birth control for 3 days in a row. He continued to keep penetrating me, I said please stop and we shouldnt because I could get pregnant and he ignored me and continued to have sex with me. Did he rape me?

回答 (23)

2019-04-15 8:53 am
You're allowed to say NO in the middle of sex and he should stop. So, yeah, it's rape, but it would be hard to prove. You now know everything you need to know about him. Break up. Take Plan B.
2019-04-13 6:21 pm
In my opinion in Britain it is at least a serious sexual assault, possibly rape, for him to carry on penetrating you when you have asked him to stop. At least get him to pay for Plan B.
2019-04-12 10:33 pm
A better question is how could you be out of birth control??
2019-04-14 2:52 am
My baby’s “dad” told me he was fixed over text then said he lied about it. When we’d have sex sometimes he’s just put it in and I’d notice right away there was no condom on. He would say “let me leave it in for a few more mins” then he’d continue even if I said no.

He isn’t around now nor will he be my daughters dad. He’s a sperm donor & a piece of crap. He tried to entrap me. Sounds like your boyfriend did too.
2019-04-13 9:35 pm
When you say NO, it means exactly that, but you willingly spread your legs for him. If you didn't want him to shoot his load in you and told him so, it looks to me like you could have moved enough to cause him to no longer be penetrating you. Did you do that or just lay there and ask him to stop. I don't think it was rape, unless he forcibly held you down and continued until she emptied inside of you. Either way, I know you didn't report him, so it looks like you will just have to accept whatever happens.
2019-04-17 4:44 am
Yes. But you will have no chance of proving it. You probably did not record it, you probably have no witnesses. You probably have had sex with him before and probably said something about having sex with him to others. But consider this, if he is willing to do this despite your objections and you are just his girl friend, what will he do despite your objections if you are "HIS WIFE?" He was bound and determined to have sex and he did not care that you did not. He raped you. You know it down deep, which is why you asked. IMHO you need to inform this guy that you are breaking up with him and why, then find a new boy friend who listens to you.
2019-04-17 12:36 am
yes that was rape and you need to call the cops
2019-04-17 1:00 am
DID he rape you?! You tell us!!!

Did you want it? Did you tell him "no"?

YOU have to tell US whether it was rape.
2019-04-12 10:39 pm
Sounds like rape to me. But do you want to press charges? You could take an emergency pill.
2019-04-15 8:01 am
Why did you agree to have sex with him in the first place if you knew you were out of birth control? Yes, he should have stopped when you asked him to, but you should not have begun intercourse to begin with.

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