will my uncle let me restore some of my grandpas cars?

2019-04-10 3:50 am
Hi, I am 18, a guy. my grandpa was a huge car collector. he had over 400 cars at one point. My grandpa unfortunately died from leukemia in 1979. So my grandma had to sell a majority of his cars to take care of her 8 children. my dad bought a 1969 Chevrolet Camaro SS from the collection. we have some very rare cars and I want to restore some of them during the summer. I took auto shop all 4 years of high school so I have experience.

should I ask my uncle? we're on good terms.

回答 (6)

2019-04-10 4:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you know what you are doing, I don't see why not. But, usually restoring takes a lot more time & money than many youngsters believe.
2019-04-10 5:13 am
Seriously, how would any of us know what your uncle might do?
2019-04-10 4:42 am
You have to ask your Uncle.
2019-04-10 4:22 am
The only person who can answer this question is your uncle.
He will either say yes or no.
Take it from there.
2019-04-11 3:42 am
You need to ask him not us!
2019-04-10 5:28 am
We don't know why you have to ask your uncle. If you own a car. Make sure you have title to it, then you can do what you want. Don't restore someone else's vehicle without getting paid for it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:30:12
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