Is there a better/more emotional death scene than professor Snape?

2019-04-10 12:31 am

回答 (4)

2019-04-10 2:14 am
Boromir in lord of the rings
2019-04-10 1:56 am
I agree that it was brilliantly written, acted and directed - but it's just one of many screen and stage deaths which really moved me.
2019-04-10 1:13 am
I didn't like Snape so his death wasn't emotional for me. despite his redemption, he remained an unlikeable, selfish sociopath imo. dobby's death was far more emotional for me.

and if you're opening up the options to all non-HP movies as well, The Champ, Old Yeller, Up (Ellie), Million Dollar Baby, etc. the list of deaths that had me tearing up before snape's is pretty long.
2019-04-10 12:36 am
Nope, Sirius, Dumbledore's and Mad Eye Moody's deaths were pretty sad and upsetting, but Snape's was the most emotional. Because you find out about the story and he had a history with the main character's (Harry's) parents also he learns what must happen.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:31:26
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