What does implantation cramping feel like?

2019-04-09 9:27 pm
Last week my boyfriend and I had sex. We both used protection ( Im on the pill, and he used a condom). I found out the condom he used had expired two weeks ago. I was supposed to get my period later last weekend. I noticed I had odd light brown watery discharge. Today I woke up with sharp pains in my bikini line area. Sometimes its on my sides of my bikini lines other times its more in the center. Yesterday I had a dull throbbing sensation in my upper right side near pelvic bone. I dont have any typical period blood right now it seems like a very very faint light brown discharge. Could I be experiencing implantation cramps?

回答 (11)

2019-04-09 10:25 pm
Implantation cramping isn't a thing.
2019-04-10 10:42 am
Condoms have an expiration date?
2019-04-09 9:44 pm
You have cramps and spotting. That's completely normal on the Pill.

His condom being expired by two weeks is nothing. You used two forms of birth control, your chances of pregnancy are as close to zero as you can get without abstaining. Assuming he used the condom correctly and you take your pills as prescribed, of course.

If you normally get a withdrawal bleed and didn't this month, see your doctor.
2019-04-11 10:02 am
You're not experiencing"implantation"cramping" because implantation doesn't cause any cramping. Most women are never aware of when implantation takes place. Implantation doesn't take place until about 10 days after an egg is fertilized and implants into the lining of the uterus. You had sex only 7 days ago!

You're taking birth control pills (hopefully on a daily basis). Don't you realize that the pill prevents ovulation from ever happening, and so your ovaries will never release an egg? If ovulation never takes place, pregnancy is impossible - not even if a condom has "expired" and not even if he "comes" inside you. That's why you're taking the pill in the first place - so that you won't have to worry about stuff like that.
The birth control pill is 99.9% guaranteed to prevent pregnancy.

If you don't know how the pill works to prevent pregnancy and if you don't trust it to do its job, then why are you bothering to take it in the first place?

The "faint light-brown discharge" is probably the withdrawal bleed that you experience every month if you're taking birth control pills (or possibly just "old blood"). You don't ever have "typical period blood" when you're on birth control pills, because you never have "periods" and you never menstruate.
2019-04-09 10:03 pm
You don't ovulate while taking the pill so don't need to use condoms and cramping etc has nothing to do with implantation and those that do get implantation bleeding around 14 days after sex is very light pink spotting maybe once or twice after wiping and so light you don't see it
2019-04-11 12:44 am
I doubt it seriously. On the pill and using a condom there's just no way. Even expired condoms work unless they break.
2019-04-10 8:28 am
If you somehow had a failure of TWO forms of BC and had any cramping related to implantation, it would feel like it's in your uterus, not in your pelvic bone. Cramps were one of my earliest symptoms both times I was pregnant (I *never* get cramps before my period starts), but your uterus is not in your pelvic bone so you're not going to feel it there.
2019-04-10 5:01 am
Most people have no symptoms of implantation.

If they do it’s a single brief cramp, mostly. There is no reason to assume you are pregnant as you were using two forms of birth control.
2019-04-09 10:43 pm
No idea why you think you are having implantation cramps. That is NOT a thing. You can't feel implantation.

If the condom didn't break or come off, it doesn't matter that it was expired. (Expired condoms are just more likely to break.)

It's not uncommon for women to miss a bleed from time to time on the pill, but if you still don't see a period in about 2 weeks (3 weeks from when you had sex) you can test.
2019-04-09 9:32 pm
hahahaha............You are so funny .
2 weeks doesn't matter at all .
Implantation bleeding is not very very faint light brown discharge . I don't think you are pregnant
2019-04-09 9:33 pm
You don’t necessarily have pregnancy symptoms. Take a test 2 weeks after you had sex to check if you’re pregnant or not

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