Really bad allergies.?

2019-04-09 5:08 pm
I'm in my house right now and I'm having some of the worst allergies. My eyes are completely red and burning, my throat it insanely itchy and scratchy, and my nose is completely clogged.

I havent been outside since yesterday and this is still happening. I could feel the suffering in my sleep. Is there anything I can do to help this?

回答 (10)

2019-04-09 9:44 pm
Keep your home clean. Along with consulting your doctor to get the right antihistamines to ease your allergy symptoms, it is important to keep a clean home. Cleanliness in and around the home is very important to help control allergies. There are places in the home where cleanliness is critical for good health, such as the bathroom. Although light cleaning should be done daily, a more thorough cleaning, perhaps once a week, will keep bacteria from building up. Some think that the stains that accumulate in the toilet bowl are inevitable and that it is impossible to remove them. However, you will find homes where toilets stay completely clean and shiny. It is just a matter of constant cleaning and of using the appropriate products. The kitchen too requires careful cleaning. Although you wash the dishes and clean the stove and countertops daily, every so often it is necessary to do a more thorough cleaning, Without a doubt, keeping a clean home will help with the allergies.
2019-04-09 8:24 pm
You need an anti-histamine. Consult your doctor.
2019-04-11 5:40 pm
Indoor allergies are often caused by dust mites (which everybody has in their house), or by pet hair. One way to help alleviate some of those allergies is to have your heating and A/C duct work cleaned once a year. The ducts are FULL of dust.
2019-04-20 6:53 am
Nothing was working on my son.. He was so bad he was in pain. The doctor gave him a shot of prednisone yesterday and prednisone prescription and he hasn’t had problems since. I hate prednisone.. it scares me.. So we will be looking into other alternatives.
2019-04-19 10:08 am
Along with allergy medicines, make sure that you clean your eyelids with wipes every day. Ocusoft is a good one.

Also, before taking any decongestants, have the doctor test you for high blood pressure. If its high, you cannot take them.
2019-04-14 11:17 pm
This is normal when springtime comes around. Bees get busy and pollen fills the air. Do not despair! With the right diagnosis and treatment, it is possible to control and reduce both the frequency and intensity of hay fever’s irritating symptoms. Keep your bedroom clean and well ventilated and avoid contact with domestic animals, such as dogs, cats, or birds, as well as perfumes and other strongly scented products.
2019-04-09 6:26 pm
Take antihistamines or see your Doctor.
2019-04-09 5:59 pm
the usual advise is to seek proper medical help at a local GP clinic (or a Family Doctor clinic)..
it is possible that you are having URTI or upper-respiratory tract infection.. it could be a simple flu or an acute tonsillitis with swollen tonsils at the back of the throat.. URTI can mimic an allergic response..

the doctor may give you antibiotics if he/she detect a bacterial infection (and only a bacterial infection as antibiotics are useless against simple flu).. however, if the doctor suspects severe allergies or advanced infections, he may refer you to an ENT specialist or to an immunologist - depending on severity and the presentation..

if you insist on medicating yourself.. you can find some of of these items in the local pharmacies as over-the-counter items (that does not require doctors' prescription)..
- anti-histamines.. strong anti-histamines like Chlorpheniramine Maleate (4mg 3 times a day), they are notorious for causing drowsiness soon after taking them.. it should also help you with your sleep issues..
(do not drive nor operate heavy machinery while taking Chlorpheniramine Maleate)

if you had to do work or chores during the day, you can take Loratidine or Clarithine during the day because they cause less drowsiness, and reserve 1 pill of Chlorpheniramine Maleate at night..

- sleep.. rest.. and take few days of sick-leave when possible..
- ORS.. Oral Rehydration Salt can help in keeping your energy up, especially if your appetite is low..
- if your appetite is good, you can take Ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin at 400mg every 6hours), it can help you with the throat irritation but you should only take them after meals and never on an empty stomach..
- take multivitamin pill if you do not have access to fresh fruits and vegetables..
- increase the humidity in the room, if the weather is too dry.. from a simple wet towel hung on a chair next to the bed, to more expensive solutions like purchasing a humidifier and to the classic breathing over a bowl of hot-boiled water with your head under a towel (to focus the vapour over the face)..

at any rate, if your appetite is getting worse and unable to drink nor eat full meals, try to get as much fluids into you, and divide meals into smaller but more frequent portions.. for example, instead of 3 meals a day, divide them into 8 meals a day in smaller tolerable portions..

hospitals often admit people who are unable to eat meals and unable to rehydrate themselves at home.. the ORS will come really handy during the worst stage of an infection or an allergic reactions..

in allergies, it would help to remove the cause or the trigger for the allergic response from your immediate surrounding.. if you have a cat or a dog, you could be allergic to them.. if you have just started using a product (a skin product, a new soap, a new shampp.. etc) when the attack started happening.. if someone had prepared a meal for you when it happened, he/she could be using food items that you are allergic to (like peanut).. if this is the pollen/flower season you could be allergic to them..

unfortunately, there is a long list of things that humans can be allergic to.. from the smell of fresh-cut lawn-grass to beauty products.. from city pollution to certain fabrics of a new clothing..

at the ENT clinic or at the immunologist's clinic.. there are tests to identify those 'allergens' that you are allergic to, for example a simple Skin Scratch Test of which small sticks/needles are scratch against the skin covered with specific items in small but sufficient quanitities: cat-saliva, pollen extract, sea-food, peanut etc etc..

if the condition remains about the same with no significant changes after the 5th day, you need to see a doctor on the 6th day at a local clinic on an appointment..

all the best..
2019-04-09 5:58 pm
Take antihistamine or go see a doctor
2019-04-09 5:16 pm
You can take Benadryl at night and then invest in an air purifier for the room in which you sleep.

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