Do you think making Anakin a kid in "Episode I: The Phantom Menace" was a good idea or a bad idea?

2019-04-09 2:13 pm
I personally think that he should've been a teen in that movie, but that's what I think.

回答 (6)

2019-04-09 2:44 pm
He’s not a child in the poster his shadow shows him as Darth Vader. I think he had midichlorian levels off the chart so maybe that makes up for him being a child.

Look he didn’t get much better when he grew up he was really an emotional 😭 moody spoiled Jedi...I mean he thought he was just gonna be the one ☝️ bit of an ego to live up to...

So if he started as a slave and was an adult when they found him then he would probably be more grateful and his mom would already be dead 💀

Really would like to know who his dad was...
2019-04-09 2:17 pm
They wanted to draw a contrast between the child Annakin and the monster he turned into. That would work better with a cute kid with helmet-hair than some pimply teenager. It was a crappy movie anyway, a great disappointment. So it wouldn't have made that big of a difference.
2019-05-17 4:29 pm
Im probably not in the majority but i loved everthing and everyone in it except for Natalie Portman she is a lousy actress. The end battle to me didn't make too much sense with Anakin because he wasn't really in control and was doing everything by accident which kind of goes against the point being made in the beginning of the movie that he was extremely talented and using the force. That was the fault of the writers though and not the kid. I absolutely loved the pod race that was probably the single greatest moment in Star Wars ever besides the Death Star blowing up
2019-04-09 2:21 pm
He had to be a kid. He had to be young to be a potential candidate for being a jedi and more importantly, he had to miss his mom. Ever met a teen who would admit he misses his mom?
2019-04-10 5:55 pm
Bad idea, because very few kids can act.
2019-04-10 2:33 am
Man I wish they could reboot all the prequels. They clearly didn’t give those much thought!

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:35:54
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