Why would a guy talk badly about others mainly women, but say nice things about me?

2019-04-09 7:47 am

回答 (4)

2019-04-10 3:32 am
Is this a different account, Ashley? How many accounts do you have? You post the same attention seeking sad questions over and over, so I expect you have a few. Maybe you even answer your own questions with the answers you so desperately want! SAD!!
2019-08-22 10:43 pm
Probably wants to cum inside you. I would too with a name like Ashley you sound hot.
2019-04-10 8:17 pm
He's saying nice things about you, to you, but when you're not around, he talks badly about you too.
2019-04-09 8:09 am
Most likely because he wants to get in your pants, and thinks that saying nice things about you is the way to make that happen. Is it? Alternatively of course, it means you're trolling. Please tell me you're not.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:31:10
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