How long can you safely use an old Android phone?

2019-04-08 7:00 pm
Am currently am using HUAWEI P9 as my Primary phone which is released on April 2016 now its running on Android 7 and its security path Sep 2018 ,after that i got no updates till now it is safe to use this phone

回答 (6)

2019-04-09 1:06 am
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I have a fairly old Android smartphone. It's at least 9 years old (Motoblur), no longer getting any updates, still works for calls, text and older games/apps. I use this as my bumming around, grass cutting/watering phone. If it dies or gets destroyed, no big deal, since I bought it used for $3 bucks at a yard sale. Is it still "safe" to use? Yup, as long as I stay off public unknown Wi-Fi or do anything that has not been patched since its last update years ago, that was a known exploit for that version of Android. But calls, text, web browsing, not an issue.
2019-04-16 8:11 pm
I am using my android phone since last 4 years
2019-04-09 2:35 am
I’m still using a Samsung Galaxy S6 from 2015, it still works good. I think it’s sill safe.
2019-04-08 8:04 pm
Keep using it until you can't.
2019-04-30 9:55 pm
I have Huawei honor 5x. Got this in 2016, still works beside the power buttons and volume buttons replaced after they stopped working. Still works for calls, messages and stuff you know
2019-04-09 2:19 am
Keep using it until you can't.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:31:43
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