Why there so many shootings in Dublin, Ireland? Is it Safe in Dublin?

2019-04-07 5:57 pm

回答 (3)

2019-06-21 6:35 am
According to crime statistics, you are twice as likely to be a victim of crime, three times more likely to be murdered, and three times more likely to be the victim of rape in the US than Ireland.

There were 77 homicides in Ireland in 2018 with a national population of 4.8 million. There were 159 homicides in Washington DC with a population of 700,000.

Yes, Dublin is safe. The recent shootings are a feud between rival drug gangs.
2019-04-14 5:15 am
There are? I've heard of a few, but nothing like the weekly schools massacres in the US.
2019-04-07 9:19 pm
Dublin is 6th among European capitals for murder. That puts it WAAAAAAAY below the rate in US cities. Violent crime usually comes about when there are huge disparities between rich and poor, and desperate people who have no hope for their lives.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:12:24
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