Is it weird to explore colleges when I travel?

2019-04-07 8:56 am
I graduated with a Bachelors in 2016 and loved almost everything about it. I would do it over and not change too much but maybe get more involved and do better in some classes! I now work at a job where I travel to few different states each year. I loved my experience so much that I didnt want it to end and almost want to hang on to the university environment forever. Maybe because of this, on my off time I love to explore colleges in the area and take some photos to post of them. I just feel all campuses are so unique and all have their own vibes, with so much to explore. Almost as a hobby, is this weird? I would love to at least work as well in one again some day too..!!

回答 (9)

2019-04-07 9:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
Nothing weird about that at all! College campuses are beautiful, interesting, peaceful places for the most part.They're full of energetic vibes. Many people have some trepidation about entering "the real world" after graduation, because the college experience was pretty great for most students.. Have you considered going to graduate school? Sounds like you'd fit right in and feel right at home. Meanwhile, enjoy your harmless, happy hobby!
2019-04-07 8:58 am
No, sounds cool!
2019-04-07 8:57 am
Whatever floats your boat and makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside is ok with me
2019-04-07 9:50 am
You could take courses even if you are not a degreed student. Our school has a School of Continuing Studies option for those with previous degrees and it also has Non Degreed Courses for those with previous degrees who graduated.
2019-04-07 9:00 am
It's not weird. On our last road trip vacation, we purposely stayed overnight in college towns.
2019-04-08 12:19 am
I think it's very cool! After all, college campuses are often beautiful, parklike settings with points of interest. They contain museums, art galleries, sports arenas and swimming pools. Not to mention the people watching!
At first I thought you were visiting campuses to decide where to study. The fact that you travel for work and get to see the country is great, and checking out college campuses is a fantastic hobby!
It's not as though you're spying on 18 year olds, or pretending to be part of the student body.
Makes me think of the lists with titles like- 20 most Beautiful college campuses in the US.
2019-04-08 6:55 am
I graduated from college many years ago and I still do this. You can "visit" a lot of college campuses via Google Maps these days, but it doesn't give you the same feel for a campus that actually walking around does. Students usually assume that you're a visiting graduate of the school, so it's easy to stroll around and soak up the atmosphere.
2019-04-07 9:54 am
No, it is not weird. Yes, each campus is unique. To me Tulane's medical
school campus is still a bunch of buildings and not really a campus.

Now is not a good time to get hired. Staff is being laid off at the University of Oklahoma. Faculty may still be encouraged to retire early.
2019-04-07 9:45 am
i dont think so

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