He friend zoned me should I cut him off?

2019-04-06 10:12 am
So I met this guy in September and we hit it off right away and we were talking for maybe a week and he clearly liked me but then after a week he just stopped talking to me. I didn’t really care because I wasn’t that into him. Anyways, in January we started talking again and this time I was really into him. We were talking and hanging out frequently for like a week and a half. And then he told me that he just wants to be friends because he won’t be here for the summer and he got a co op in Maryland so he won’t be here for the fall plus he “just isn’t looking for a relationship” because he has so much going on all the time. But I literally know he goes out maybe two times a week and plus I just know he has free time. I kind of think if he really valued me he would seem to value me more. We agreed we would still hang out but he hasn’t asked me yet and this happened almost 2 months ago. So, I’m really mad right now honestly and I think if he valued me he would have tried to make it work, or at least been more positive about the situation. Thoughts? Should I cut him off? Given that he actually ever talks to me again.

回答 (5)

2019-04-06 11:55 am
Young guys are seeking variety a lot of the time NOT a relationship with just one girl. Sorry, this is the way of young guys.. get used to it
2019-04-06 10:33 am
He *doesn't* "value" you in the way you want. I'm not sure how much more clear he can be. You don't have to cut him off but you do need to accept you're not together, not likely to be either. It's not that complicated.
2019-04-06 10:27 am
Perhaps this guy doesn't know how much you like him or simply isn't emotionally available. If you feel that you have a really strong connection with this guy then I would focus on being friends with him. I always figure that the best relationships start off with the couple being good friends because they have that per-existing chemistry that is so important for forming a successful relationship. Hence, what I would do is simply to be there for this guy whenever he needs someone to talk to and you never know what the future may hold. I really hope this helps :)
參考: Do you know if this guy has a lot of experience with women and dating? Have you hinted to him that you would like to hang out? :)
2019-04-06 10:25 am
I'm a single guy answering your question who has been friend zone more than I've been liked and I've learned it's pointless to be nice/keep liking a person who doesn't really care/like you at all.
There were a couple girls from my past when I was a teenager, that I regret being nice to after they played me.
With one of them, I felt awkward at times having to be nice to her.
For me, I STILL kind of have a thing for a female coworker of mine at my current job.
I've been at my job for a year now whereas she's been at my job since April or May of last year.
She was working in another department.
She transferred to my department in early July of last year.
I WISH it has been super easy to get her off my mind BUT she's one of my direct supervisors and I get along with her older sister who is my other direct supervisor.
I get along with their male cousins who is my coworker too in the same department and their youngest sister's friend who is my coworker too.
I HAVE to get along with her even though she changed her mind about me without telling me or just led me on all along.
I have even deleted her cell#.
She thought it was funny when I told her she's flaky responding back to my text messages and would ignore some of my text messages and she wouldn't be sorry about it.
She knows how much I've liked her and thought about her because I've told her to her face and even written how I felt about her in a birthday card last October when it was her birthday (I surprised her with birthday presents and a birthday card which she told me loved and even read inside the card I got her).
I asked her out 3 times and the last time was to see a movie and she told me to go see the movie by myself.
Her and I don't really have personal conversations anymore.
She told me 3 months ago to my face, "I have to treat you like everybody else in warehouse department."
In my head, I was thinking to myself, "Treat me like everybody else when I've had my hands on your hips, the back of your bra and your lower back, held your hands, played with your hair and have almost kissed you. Yeah sure whatever."
I ignored her pretty much all of last month.
When she tells me to do something, I'll do it but when she tells me, "Good morning Alan or "Hi Alan" at work, I don't care to answer her.
You have to move on for your sanity.
I hope that I've helped answer your question and take care of yourself.
It's really best to keep your head high and have self-respect than to keep liking someone who doesn't like you, care about you and respect you. ~Alan
2019-04-06 10:18 am
You made the point. If he valued you'd he'd try to find a way to have a relationship with you.
Why waste your time?
Additionally, if he knows you're desperately hoping for a relationship, that could/would turn him off even more.
Forget about him. Be assertive. That's a very attractive trait to have.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:33:23
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