I want to ask this guy out, but I don’t know how.?

2019-04-06 1:48 am
There’s this guy in my class whom I’ve grown to like over the course of the semester. He hosts tutoring sessions after class to go over what we just learned. I go to a majority of them, and we normally take the train home together. I feel like he’s dropping hints but sometimes I’m not so sure because he is a friendly person in general. I would like to ask him out on a date before the semester is over. I am afraid that if I ask him out too soon, and he says no; that it might make the rest of the semester awkward as well as the tutoring sessions. I would greatly appreciate some advice. Also guys: how do you feel when a girl asks you out? Do you find it odd or charming?

回答 (3)

2019-04-06 4:22 am
As the leader of this group he's in a sort of authority figure situation so he probably will say no if you ask before the semester's over. Just wait until the last day and then ask him.
2019-04-06 1:57 am
The fear of rejection is an irrational fear that has you convinced that people won’t accept or approve of you due to your opinions, looks, personality, values, beliefs or behavior. No matter what it is, one thing is clear, this is a very debilitating fear that significantly influences your daily choices, decisions, and action .It’s easy to ask a guy out, but you should avoid doing that.
f you like someone and want to ask a guy out, just drop a few hints.

And if he’s interested in you, he’s definitely going to ask you out before you ask him out.if you’re still only exchanging smiles and not really friends, then you need to become friendly first.

The next time you bump into him or are having a monosyllabic conversation, just ask him if he’d be interested to go out.It’s friendly, nice and doesn’t really make you look desperate. Once both of you are better friends,You don’t have to tell him outright that you have a crush on him, but drop a few signs. eye contact,smile,make compliments.Be confident and don’t be afraid to push the flirty ball into his court now and then. You may put him in a spot, but don’t worry about it.don’t flirt too much too. It’s trashy and can bore any guy. After all, an extremely flirty girl can get pretty boring and annoying. Instead, make him want more. Save your flirting for only a few lines in the entire conversation. Never make it too obvious that you’re falling for him.
2019-04-06 1:49 am
Never ASK someone for a Date.  
Asking puts a person on the defense of HAVING TO MAKE a decision and giving you an answer.  

Most people say NO, because No is SAFER for them. Later on 
THEY MIGHT regret they said No and feel like they blew their chance with you.  

If you INVITE someone to join you somewhere, they have time to think about it without pressure and can make a decision without giving you an answer/response.  

To get a date without asking: 
INVITATIONS and ASKING for a Date are the same thing, 
but an invitation is easier to offer, rather than ask for a date. 
Writing a note and handing it to him or having someone 
hand it to him, will be okay. 
Most invitations are in WRITTEN FORM. (add ph# so now He has it) 
Texting also works, if/when you get their number. 

Tell him where you will be on a certain day and at a certain time. 
Let him know he is welcome to join you if he has time. 

EXAMPLE: "Hi. I'm going to be at the park by the pond on Saturday at 2:30pm. You're welcome to join me if you have time. I will probably be bored, just feeding the ducks". 

EXAMPLE: "I'm going for ice cream after school / work at (location), you can join me if you're not busy. My treat." 

It was just an invitation, NO BIG DEAL. 

Make wager (bet) with the person you want to spend time with. 
Lose that bet to them INTENTIONALLY. 
The wager should be something that puts you together alone and 
away from everyone you know. 
Make the wager something you can afford and non threatening 
or too suggestive. 
(an ice cream cone, a milkshake, a coffee, even washing a car) 

EXAMPLE: "I'll bet you an ICE CREAM SUNDAE, I can say 
the alphabet backwards faster than you." 
Then LOSE the bet and take him for an ice cream sundae. 
(enjoy your Date) 

If it scares you to take these steps, keep in mind YOU'RE SCARED ANYWAY. 
Also if some other girl gets his attention, you'll wish you had done SOMETHING. 

CONFIDENCE is not about Succeeding. It's about NOT BEING AFRAID, 
to Step Up, whether you get Accepted or Rejected. 

After you get Accepted or Rejected, YOU WILL "Quit" 
Torturing yourself with Worry, Curiosity and Desire. 

But Don't Live in FEAR of the person you Desire. 
Get Accepted or Rejected, but settle this FOR YOU. 

IF HE SAYS: "I don't want to ruin our friendship OR I just wanna be friends” 
SMILE BIG, look him in the eye and say: "Then don't “F” this up for me."

Or explain to him. "We can still be friends if this doesn't workout. 
Why would we HAVE TOO be enemies, just because we are not a match?" 
KEEP SMILING... He will like that you are Confident... AND RIGHT... you don't have to be enemies… besides 
Getting to know people is how FRIENDS ARE MADE. 
Dating is a way to get to know a person.

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