Will God forgive me if I don't try helping my athiest close friends repent?

2019-04-05 4:05 pm

回答 (10)

2019-04-05 4:11 pm
You clearly have a computer without a spell check function. That could actually be worth quite a lot as a curio. I'd put it on ebay.
2019-04-05 4:06 pm
It's spelled, "atheist." Learn how to spell, kiddo.
2019-04-05 4:17 pm
I can absolutely 100% assure you that almost no one will be interested in you trying to help them "repent"... Unless they specifically ask for such help. :S

In fact..? Unwanted proselytizing like that is exceedingly obnoxious to non-Christians! And if anything..? Only turns us off your religion even MORE. So doing that..? Is a good way to push people further away. Which.. that's probably not what you think your god wants, amirite..?

Also, us non-Christians tend to have different morals and values than Christians. So.. just because you think they need to "repent" for something, that your god supposedly does not approve of..? They are NOT going to feel that way. Just saying. And.. there is nothing that gives Christianity a worse reputation than self-righteous, moralistic judgment from Christians. :/
2019-04-05 4:06 pm
yes, but it's better to do God's will.
2019-04-05 10:26 pm
He told us we must love others as He loves us. He loved us by totally giving to us, never thinking of Himself.
2019-04-05 6:12 pm
Not your job.. let the Spirit do His work. You should continue to be the light and example that you are. Be a source inspiration and answers if he has questions.
2019-04-05 5:21 pm
Yes, and so will your friends.
2019-04-05 4:35 pm
You can take your childish god fairy fantasy and shove it somewhere.
2019-04-05 4:27 pm
As God is just a figment of your imagination, the only people you're going to offend are your atheist (note the spelling) friends. If you annoy them by trying to convince them to believe your superstition, they soon won't be your friends any more.
How can any atheist 'repent' anyway? How can we be sorry for being unable to believe in any deity?
No-one makes a conscious decision to believe or to disbelieve. One either does, or one does not.
2019-04-05 4:11 pm
Repentance means "a change of mind" from any false idea of salvation to placing one's faith in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life. Repentance does not mean "turning from sins." Moreover, ALL of your sins (past, present, and future) are completely forgiven the moment you trust in Jesus Christ to save you (Acts 10:43).

Because we have all sinned against a perfectly holy and righteous God, we all deserve eternal separation from God in hell (Rom. 6:23). However, God loves us so much that He sent His only Son Jesus to die on the cross as our Substitute. Christ died on the cross for our sins, was buried, and rose from the grave (1 Cor. 15:3-4). The Bible is clear that salvation is not by our good works. The only condition for receiving everlasting life is to believe in Jesus for that free gift! It really is that simple.

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life" (John 6:47).

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