關於direct 的發音?

2019-04-02 5:40 pm
能否解釋一下 direct 這個單字 何時念"德瑞科特"何時念"待瑞科特"
那何者是英式 何者是美式?

沒有其他答案嗎? 這個外國人回答的 真的不是我要的

回答 (1)

2019-04-02 8:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The pronunciation "dir.ect"depends on
direct:-adj.,verb., adv.
direct, adj.,:-
They are in direct contact with the Royal family.
Her death was a direct result of your action.
We are looking forward for somebodyB with direct experience of this type of journalism.
This information has a direct bearing on the murder case.

direct, verb, :-
The machine directs a powerful laser beam at the lower affected part of the moon.
Were that remark directed at youB?
There are three main points that we need to direct our attention to.
Most of her anger was directed against herself.

direct, adv.,:-
We flew direct to HK via Singapore.
The 12:00 goes direct to Shum Chun.
A prefer to deal with her direct, without involving other B.

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