At what age should people start preparing food for themselves at home?

2019-03-28 2:48 pm

回答 (34)

2019-03-28 5:26 pm
I was taught to cook a full Sunday roast,when I was 8.
2019-03-28 3:28 pm
As soon as they are mature enough to use a kitchen safely.
2019-03-28 10:11 pm
Simple things like cereal or a sandwich, can be done by a young child maybe 7 or so. Things that need to be cooked on the stove would depend in part on height, but, I'd say 13 or so, since knives are sharp and stoves and ovens are hot.
2019-03-28 9:18 pm
A four year old is capable of making their own breakfast, whether it's cereal or toast.
2019-03-28 3:19 pm
helping mum in the kitchen is a good idea
2019-03-28 3:07 pm
Most people should be able to make something to eat, something simple, by the time they are 12.
2019-03-28 3:26 pm
Around 12
2019-03-29 7:01 am
Mid teen's---14, 15, 16
2019-03-29 12:55 am
preteens can make toast, eggs, grilled cheese if taught. they sure as heck can make instant pudding and pour cereal and milk.
All my kids had to learn how to help in the kitchen from very young. by the time they were teens they had to take turns making simple meals. Sure they messed up sometimes but we all choked it down and praised the efforts.
IF anyone likes to eat they NEED to know how to cook.
2019-03-28 7:50 pm
Right when they are born.
2019-03-28 3:07 pm
Six. Simple sandwiches.
12. for simple microwave.
14. for Stove and Ovens.
16. for complex meals.
2019-04-13 9:06 pm
Simple things like cereal or a sandwich, can be done by a young child maybe 7 or so. Things that need to be cooked on the stove would depend in part on height, but, I'd say 13 or so, since knives are sharp and stoves and ovens are hot.
2019-04-01 3:46 pm
Boy children developing faster than girls. Before they start first grade. Should know how to make a fire. Jump in the river. Drag up a fish. Gut it & flame or coal roast it. Basic cooking. Girls needing to cook more fancy. Need learn how to put the kindling in the stove, light it set the draft proper. & how to use pans & such. So 2nd grade there Moms should be teaching them basics. By 3rd grade they should know how to slice of some bacon cook it fry eggs up & make pan bread.
2019-03-31 12:41 pm
Mature enough to know what's dangerous in kitchen.
2019-03-30 9:26 pm
Sandwiches around 6 yrs old. Using Microwaves by 8-10 yrs old. Oven by 10-14 and stove top 14 to never all depending on maturity and attention span.
2019-03-30 12:21 pm
Any age after 10 year
2019-03-30 5:53 am
I'm 11 and a half. My grandma says that my mom already knows how to cook for herself and her family at my age. But I am just getting started. I already know how to make breakfast foods such as eggs, ham, etc. But I am learning how to cook lunches and dinner. So basically, I'm just a beginner. But I think kids should start cooking foods when they are beginning to take responsibilities by themselves. I think the age should be anywhere under 14.
2019-03-29 11:02 am
I was making full meals for 3 people by the age of 12. Mom spent most days in the hospital with my brother, so I took on a lot of the housework. meal shopping, planning and preparation was one of those things.
2019-03-29 6:32 am
When they are hungry .
2019-03-29 6:03 am
when they can't bear their parent's cooking anymore
2019-03-29 6:03 am
I can’t believe there are some college graduates today who can’t cook. I learned at 13 how to make the family dinners (except roasts, which I’m still hit-and-miss with.) I really liked it and I branched off into other cuisines.
2019-03-29 12:41 am
Simple meals such as sandwiches etc, quite young, should be possible to get a child of around 10-11 to prepare his or her own packed lunch for school. From about 12-13 children should be encouraged to assist with meal preparation, and perhaps with baking on non-schooldays. It also depends on what age children begin cookery lessons at school. Anyway, it would not be unreasonable to expect a boy or girl of 16, to prepare a full meal for the family, occasionally, perhaps on Mothers or Fathers Days or for their parents birthdays or anniversary, or if parents unavoidably otherwise unable to cook that day.
2019-03-28 6:21 pm
Dunno, my kids have always helped me cook, make salads, etc. Actually cooking a meal on their own for the family? About 12/13.
2019-03-28 5:29 pm
Obviously they need to be old enough to be responsible in the kitchen and to be physically able to use kitchen equipment.

Otherwise there's no specific age. It depends on the experience and sense of the individual. I am sure that there are many young children who are quite able to prepare many kinds of food for themselves.

On the other hand there are adults who post on this site who have no common sense and know nothing about food and shouldn't under any circumstances be buying or preparing their own food.
2019-03-28 4:01 pm
I started baking cakes for the family when I was in the 7th grade.
I started helping mom in the kitchen, now and then, at that age too.
I didn't really start cooking until I was in college ... still living at home .. but whatever I fixed was for the family, and not just for myself.
2019-03-28 3:16 pm
2019-03-28 2:50 pm
Depends on the circumstances

Many people don't learn to cook until they're older.
2019-03-28 2:50 pm
I could cook simple dishes at 13, we were taught cookery at at school from the age of 11.
2019-04-02 10:33 am
when their parents are not at home and they feel thirsty.
2019-03-28 6:53 pm
2019-03-29 11:14 pm
Under UK law it is a criminal offence to make an under 16 cook for themselves. It is classed as neglect. A 16-year old can be arrested for child abuse for allowing a 15 - year old to cook.
2019-03-29 5:19 pm
2019-03-28 11:15 pm
2019-03-29 5:28 am
when they have own place

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