How can you be Christian but believe in evolution at the same time?

2019-03-28 5:30 am

回答 (20)

2019-03-28 5:31 am
By recognizing that the Bible is not a science book.
2019-03-28 5:31 am
The vast majority of Christians do, like me.
2019-03-28 5:32 am
You can't.
Jesus said in Matthew 19:4 that Adam and Eve were original creations. Romans chapter 5 says that there was no death until sin (which means no eons of "evolution" and organisms dying). Genesis says each day of creation was a night and a day to make a full day. That's 24 hours.

"Evolution" is a lie and it never happened.


Jesus loves you and wants to bless your life freely :) Most of all, Jesus wants you with Him forever, and not in hell. The truth is that every belief except one will lead to eternal torment in the lake of fire for every person. Because nothing pays for our sins except the death and blood of Jesus, the sacrifice of Jesus that is already accomplished by Him . Jesus loves you! The truth is that Jesus is God, and Jesus died on the cross to pay for all of our sins in full, and then Jesus resurrected from the dead. Nothing else pays for our sins, not works, not deeds, not religions. So the only way to heaven and to avoid hell, is by believing in Jesus for eternal life (John 6:47), without adding any of your own works (Romans 4:5). Believe in Jesus to take you to heaven, and you will be in heaven, no matter what, guaranteed. That easy, thanks to Jesus! Tell Jesus that you thank Him that you will be with Him in heaven when you die, because you believe in Jesus! It is too late to be saved, after death
2019-03-28 6:50 am
Simple: because God exists, and evolution is true. In fact, the vast majority of Christians accept evolution.
2019-03-28 9:29 am
What is wrong with the idea of God creating creatures that have the ability to adapt and evolve if their environment changes?
2019-03-28 5:42 am
By disregarding what their bible says or playing strange games to reinterpret what it says. Some might say a "day" of the Genesis creation story isn't really a day, but perhaps a million years. Curiously, I've yet to meet one of them that says we should remember the seventh billionth year to keep it holy.

Some say Adam and Eve weren't real at all. But, they seem hazy when asked, if Adam isn't real, is Seth? If Seth isn't real, is Enosh? Kenan? Mahalalel? With an unbroken lineage that includes Abraham, Noah, Moses... Well, they seem rather fuzzy on where or for what reason the 'allegory' should transition back to reality.

It is taken as literal only up to the spot where science actually explains it, rendering the original interpretation as an impossibility, then the interpretation is changed. And, again, to me this seems disingenuous. It infers God only in that which is not understood. What we know is science, and the gaps in that science is attributed to God, until science fills the gaps. And, from my experience, they don't care. They're in it to serve some emotional purpose and are unconcerned on whether or not it makes sense.
2019-03-28 4:46 pm
You can't. To embrace evolution is to call God a liar. Do that and you'll never see the inside of heaven - no matter what you call yourself. God calls you a liar.

1Ti 6:20 ¶ Keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:
1Ti 6:21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.
2019-03-28 5:34 am
Well, it doesn't cause paradoxes that destroy our universe ...
2019-03-28 5:33 am
We are al individuals and have our own beliefs about what God thinks. In the end only God knows best. We will Have to wait until we meet him, which we all will when we pass over to the spiritual side.
2019-03-28 5:44 am
Correction ... How can you be fundamentalist Protestant and "believe in" evolution. You can't! Because such unauthorized manmade religions are based on misinterpretations of the Bible, as shown by the fact that the teaching of each denomination contradicts the teaching of the others, and truth cannot contradict truth. Therefore many of these false interpretations conflict with scientific truth.
In contrast, Jesus Christ founded one Church, said it was to remain one, and promised that one Church that it would teach the fullness of God's truth until the end of time. Therefore the teaching of that one Church (which includes well over half of all Christians), guaranteed true by God Himself, never conflicts with natural truths revealed by science. Truth cannot conflict with truth.
2019-03-29 1:32 am
Which extremist sect or cult indoctrinated you to believe that God was not clever enough to use the big bang, evolution and science as his tools?

Pope Francis says the theories of evolution and the Big Bang are real and God is not “a magician with a magic wand” putting an end to the “pseudo theories” of creationism and intelligent design! So the Catholic Church, Church of England and mainstream churches all accept the big bang and evolution!

Lord Carey the former Archbishop of Canterbury put it rather well – “Creationism is the fruit of a fundamentalist approach to scripture, ignoring scholarship and critical learning, and confusing different understandings of truth”!
Christian Fundamentalist is a complete contradiction in terms!

CHRISTIAN – A follower or believer in Jesus.

FUNDAMENTALIST One who believes the Bible is literally true and must be followed exactly.

Therefore they are followers of the bible and not Jesus making them non Christians!

But worse is to follow it also makes them ideologists.

IDEOLOGY An idea that is false or held for the wrong reasons but is believed with such conviction as to be irrefutable.

So Christians have a loving and forgiving god and fundamentalist - well - Just are not Christians!
2019-03-28 7:56 pm
You can't
2019-03-28 3:56 pm
I guess it is the way God evolved me to be. Mysterious ways, right? JK!

Seriously now, if my memory serves me correct, it was a Christian who came up with the theory of evolution, so I do not believe the two positions inherently conflict with each other. I grew up always believing God created the dinosaurs, so I had no reason to question evolution. I come from a Southern Baptist background, and I don't recall the subject ever coming up as a matter of importance, so I didn't give it much thought as a child. Science wasn't my best subject, but I did well enough to understand the basics, and never saw it as contradictory to my beliefs.

The first time I heard of anyone believing the earth is only a half dozen millennia old, was after my family moved to the mid-west, and my best friend and I had a talk about religion, at the age of 12. I didn't take him to be serious at first because the idea seemed very far fetch to me, but as he went on I began to notice he wasn't joking. I didn't consider it a widely held belief among Christians until my first day of high school, when I was trying to figure out why my earth science teacher was giving a disclaimer to the class about not try to change anyone's beliefs.

Throughout my high school and college year I became more aware of Christian beliefs I did not grow up with, and later found out it was called "Fundamentalism", which appears to dominate the Christian mainstream. That is not my interpretation of Christianity, and I think Christianity gets a bad wrap because Fundamentalist believe their's is the only interpretation. I never believe that the entire Bible was meant to be taken literally, and I've been aware since a young age, that ancient cultures used different counting and numeric systems from the one we use in modern times.

I just don't believe that evolution discredits God as the source of life in any way, especially since evolution remains incomplete, and does not explain life's origins; nor do I think that Divinity invalidates how species adapt to it's environment. I think the debate between the Christian interpretation and scientific view is a result of superficial observation, and a failure to understand faith and science by fundamentalist and secularist.
2019-03-28 8:09 am
2019-03-28 6:30 am
Christian salvation is not dependent upon being right about everything. A Christian is someone who has sincerely surrendered ownership of their life to Christ as a faith response to His gospel. It is that faith that makes someone a Christian. After that, Christianity involves a process of learning God's perspective. We don't all start off with complete knowledge.

Terminology is also important. The term "evolution" can be equivocated to mean many things. I am a Biblical creationist, but I have no issue with the idea that populations change over time, or Natural Selection, or mutations, adaptations, speciations etc. But I contest Common Ancestry and the time frames required to make Common Ancestry plausible. So by some definitions, I, as a Biblical creationist, am also an evolutionist.
2019-03-28 7:13 am
You can't.
2019-03-28 6:08 am
Fundamentally the two don't mesh. Although most Christians have reconciled this by cherry picking what is literal or what's considered metaphor, if one is being honest, they'd need to evaluate which one is most likely true. We already know there is more than enough evidence that confirms and supports the Theory of Evolution. We also know the bible is not infallible by it's many contradictions, it's inaccuracy when describing the physical world, it's many scientific inaccuracies, and it's false prophecies. So logically we must conclude based on evidence, that The Theory of Evolutions is mostly likely correct, and the Bible for the most part is nothing but a collection of old myths that have been passed down throughout generations.
2019-03-28 5:34 am
A believer, believes in God's words. The person who doesn't believe, is not the believer. Being a Christian is more than believing God exists, but being His follower. And you can't say you are a follower of any teacher, if you aren't adhering to that teacher's teachings.
2019-03-28 8:21 am
You can't. You may think you can, but you can't.
2019-03-28 5:31 am
What are you stupid?

We don’t believe in evilution. It’s the devils scienceZ we believe in the creation of the lord.

Atheists believe in evilution. They are just being misled by the ways of satan.
參考: @Rita It’s becuse you asked a STUPID question You’re a fool just like the rest of them!!! You heathens can’t tolerate the TRUTH!!!

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