why does ebay rip sellers off?

2019-03-28 1:12 am

回答 (6)

2019-03-28 2:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
eBay has changed its policies from time to time over the years. I think at this time, the scale is tipped in the buyer's favor. You just have to protect yourself as best as you can and hope that your buyer is honest. You can block buyers so that you don't have repeats. Also, if what you sell is something that the "scamming" community buys a lot of, consider selling a different sort of item.
參考: eBay Buyer & Seller for well over a decade.
2019-03-28 6:02 am
Ebay doesn't but frequently the buyer is a scam artist. Happens to buyers too.
2019-03-28 2:29 am
it doesn't exercising due care in financial dealings is just common sense only deal with members with high positive feedback and check the feedback yourself a common scam is buying a lot of very cheap items to get good feedback , if buying check the feedback as a seller , if selling check the feedback is near 100% and is not just recent
2019-03-28 1:27 am
just what they do ...nothing personal at all
2019-03-28 3:01 am
Its sellers scamming buyers and vice versa...eBay isn't scamming anyone...sorry.
2019-03-28 1:35 am
It is full of scammers and not worth using anymore. But sellers are making money so they have to accept some losses from scammers. The sellers are also scamming buyers too so it balances out.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:36:15
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