Do you think objective reality exists?

2019-03-25 7:09 pm
Does a reality exist independently of our perception of it?

回答 (18)

2019-03-26 10:40 am
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Philosophers call It the Absolute. Abrahamic religions call it God. Hindus calls it Brahman or Atman, which means the Self. Taoists call it the Tao. Buddhists call it Sunyata, or voidness. In a simple sense we might call it Nature.

In essence what they’re all saying in a more esoteric sense is that the Ground of Being, which you might call Mind or Consciousness, is a complete unity of energy. It’s like space, which contains all things but isn’t contaminated by anything in it.

This primordial energy is the only thing that truly exists. In a marvelous dance, it becomes everything in the universe, including you. Existence and Life is playful. It is NOT meant to be “serious”.

Becoming “enlightened” is becoming aware of the unbreakable unity of your “self” and the ground of being. That your “Self” is not your ego where you are identified with the illusion, but your “Self” is the eternal immeasurable Reality that is what there is.

This fills one with great joy and exuberance.
2019-03-25 7:14 pm
The only actual reality we have is objective...
Subjectivity is Man's interpretation and delusions.
The professional religious charlatans sell us a subjective perception.
2019-03-25 7:11 pm
2019-03-25 7:10 pm
It doesn't matter what I think. It would exist even without me perceiving it!
2019-03-25 7:22 pm
There is a simulated reality theory that our brains are all hallucinating life together. Why our brains would want this life is beyond me.
2019-03-25 7:25 pm
I believe it's rather sticky and complex. And either way..? I don't think we've got access to it, in our current forms. We are 100% stuck within the limits of our own subjective human perceptions, for as long as we're here. But that's okay.. There's a lot to be learned from that, too. And in the end..? I choose to trust the process. And to trust that we'll experience exactly what we need to experience here. In order to grow, and learn, and advance on a soul level. And with spiritual experiences, for instances? Like.. NDEs, that I'm currently reading about, for one..? I believe we all get the experiences we need to have, as based on our own perceptive filtering devices. And we are experiencing basically the same thing. But.. in different ways. Through different lenses.

I guess the most objective thing that I can think of, that I believe in..? Is Source. The All. God. Universal Energy. Or whatever you may want to call it.. That thing that we are ALL a part of. But paradoxically enough, one of the most constant things about it..? Is that it constantly keeps morphing and changing into different things. Playing out this whole crazy story... Among other stories. And that thing itself..? Is eternal and objective, in my view. But how we experience basically EVERYTHING within it..? Kind of ain't. Not only do we experience it subjectively, but we are also very much a part of changing it, and creating it. Scientific research, for instance, shows that the mere act of observing something, on a quantum level..? Actively changes its position. And multiple, supposedly contradictory realities can exist at once. Just.. sh*t is SO much bigger and more complex than what we experience, in so-called physical reality, in our day-to-day lives. And I truly do believe that our perception actively CHANGES and creates sh*t, too. Which is why "objective reality", to me, is kind of a fuzzy thing, in many ways... Also because I've experienced so many different realities, myself! And my perception..? Has, indeed, been an active part of CREATING those. So.. I think in many ways, certain non-physical things can exist for some people. But not for other people. It really depends on whether or not you're catching on to those specific energies, and you're allowing yourself to experience it. Which is kind of a choice. In as much as you can consciously shift your beliefs. But for most people..? That's rather tricky. So it also kind of isn't.

..There you go. Just some of my thoughts. Probably as far as most people on here are concerned..? I'm crazy. But that's alright.
2019-03-27 10:44 am
Quantum physics says it’s all waves of energy or something like that similar to vedic philosophy
2019-03-26 11:00 am
Bro, my head hurts...

I can't...
2019-03-26 6:16 am
Yes, although I doubt we fully understand how or what it is
2019-03-26 4:54 am
but if it didn't you'd all be NPCs...
and what does that make us...
2019-03-25 8:34 pm
Sure - water freezes into ice, for example, whether anyone sees it or not.

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