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Philosophers call It the Absolute. Abrahamic religions call it God. Hindus calls it Brahman or Atman, which means the Self. Taoists call it the Tao. Buddhists call it Sunyata, or voidness. In a simple sense we might call it Nature.
In essence what they’re all saying in a more esoteric sense is that the Ground of Being, which you might call Mind or Consciousness, is a complete unity of energy. It’s like space, which contains all things but isn’t contaminated by anything in it.
This primordial energy is the only thing that truly exists. In a marvelous dance, it becomes everything in the universe, including you. Existence and Life is playful. It is NOT meant to be “serious”.
Becoming “enlightened” is becoming aware of the unbreakable unity of your “self” and the ground of being. That your “Self” is not your ego where you are identified with the illusion, but your “Self” is the eternal immeasurable Reality that is what there is.
This fills one with great joy and exuberance.