第一段來說(請看下文),看得出來他們幾乎用中文逐字翻譯,拚湊出英文翻譯版。第一句我曾問過TextRanch網站的老外,他看不懂什麼是inconceivable management loopholes。後來給了一句:Today, I wish to talk about the many very serious failures in management that I observed during my time at the ╳╳ factory. 說這樣才是英語的表達方式。的確,看過後感覺就不同。後面的句子更糟,不只中文逐字翻譯,且也照中文文句的順序播出。我和翻譯社講過很多問題,但他們就是說翻譯得很好.... 有一句最糟:They will only be hinted at using English homonyms to remind you to privately investigate the truth. 拿這一句問TextRanch,不出所料沒人真的能看懂。我看即使是上下文都傳給他們參照也一樣。這句不僅文法有誤,也拚湊的很糟。我認為,若以英文來表達這句話的形式為: sb will hint at the names in a way of saying the words sounding like the names in order to warn sb else not to do sth too obviously.
Today, let me talk about the many major inconceivable management loopholes that I witnessed during my time at the ╳╳ factory. These failures should have been unlikely in everyday situations, yet they happened in personnel, procurement and material management. I will truthfully describe each incident, but the names of the negligent individuals will remain anonymous. They will only be hinted at using English homonyms to remind you to privately investigate the truth. With due diligence, their real names will emerge; but if information is leaked, obstacles will arise and evidence may even be destroyed. Please remember!!