How horrible would it be in a world without God?

2019-03-23 9:51 am

回答 (18)

2019-03-23 9:54 am
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I know! Can you imagine? Nobody to watch over us, nobody making sure people aren't raping or killing or stealing? What kind of a world would that be?
2019-03-23 9:56 am
Are you scared of the possibility of a God not existing? Oh no! God does not exist! WAAAAAAA!!!!!!
2019-03-23 9:56 am
We are in a world without a god, but we are in a world with very dangerous religious people.
2019-03-23 9:54 am
Huh huh. Look around you. This IS the world. There are no gods. And you make of it what you will huh huh.
2019-03-23 10:00 am
The world, as well as the universe, would not exist.
2019-03-23 10:03 am
Why do you need a magic man to make life worth living?
Why is your existence pointless and useless without a sky castle?

I don't need magic and my life isn't pointless, and I'm fully aware that mythology is false...
參考: This world is currently, always has been, and always will be without a god or gods.
2019-03-23 10:43 am
We wouldn’t exist. The earth or the universe wouldn’t exist.
2019-03-23 10:16 am
You in it now,
2019-03-23 9:56 am
I'm agnostic and I'm extremely happy. I make the most out of my life, despite challenges, treat everyone that I can with kindness and live every day as best I can. I respect all religions, do not question their validity, and find beauty in the diversity of cultures around the world. However, I have never found it necessary to conform to a specific religion or believe in a certain god. This has not stopped my from being moral and kind- I'm sure it would be the same for most.
2019-03-23 10:01 am
It would be complete anarchy, literal hell on earth. In fact after the rapture, we will get to have 7 years of no God on earth with the anti-christ ruling. Read the scripture and study them to see how bad the tribulation will be and will get a sense of what a world without God is like.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:20:53
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