Do ALL countries wear their flag reversed on the right arm of military uniforms or just USA?

2019-03-21 3:04 pm
The United States military uniforms wears reverse patches of our flag on one sleeve of our uniforms so that the flag is always facing forward? Do other countries who have a non-symmetrical flag do the the same? (example: France, Italy)

I'm sorry; i don't know how to put a picture here, but you can find examples by doing a search under "Why are USA flags reversed on uniforms" The US flag is supposed to ALWAYS be shown with the field at the left, but on the right sleeve of military uniforms it is shown on the right --- because the field is supposed to ALWAYS be shown doing forward and never retreating.


There were SO many wonderful answers with SO many wonderful thoughts and information; it was hard to choose which was the best. Thank you for your time and consideration. God bless you all and take care.

回答 (9)

2019-03-21 3:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes France, Italy, Russia, Ireland, all those with horizontal stripes do too. Many others too, but you cannot tell by looking, you have to ask. Scotland, Austria, Switzerland, the list goes on.
2019-03-22 3:51 pm
the Flag IS FLYING IN THE WIND and Normal not reversed
參考: 9 Years RAF and 29 years RAAF
2019-03-22 2:25 pm
The wearing position of the U.S. flag patch on American uniforms has changed. And very recently so. It use to be worn with the star field in line with the rear of the wearer's shoulder. Then, approximately 10 years ago I began to notice that the star field was being worn in line with the wearer's chest. Or facing Forward as some say. Upon doing some research I discovered the change was made to signify the projection of American Military Might FOWARD into battle.
2019-03-21 10:31 pm
No, not ALL of them, because some wear it on on left sleeve (even the US has uniforms that have the flag on the lft sleeve).
2019-03-23 11:08 pm
2019-03-23 6:38 am
"The US flag is supposed to ALWAYS be shown with the field at the left,"

Oh don't be so bloody chauvinist. It's an INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION to always show ALL flags as if the pole were on the left, and that's the way you will see flags in books and on websites.

See Cekker Kwann's answer
2019-03-22 10:32 am
As the front of our body is classed as flagpole side then the British Army would have to wear the flag reversed if it were worn on their right arm. It would need to be worn opposite way around to how we wear it on our left arms.
參考: British Para 1992-2014
2019-03-21 11:57 pm
some countries flag you can't tell, it's the same either way .................
2019-03-21 4:18 pm
What makes you think the flag is reversed?? Can you show a picture?

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