How to kill my self?

2019-03-17 10:16 am
I’m writing a book. How can I quickly kill my self? There’s no pills or anything, would going outside and getting hit by a car be the best option?

回答 (31)

2019-03-21 4:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have the only real answer. Get in your car, drive for a while, visit your friends, visit your family, tell them how much you love them, go watch a sunset, eat a good meal, laugh, cry and live life. Find someone you love, get married, have kids and grow old. Then, once you ve done that, you let your body get old and sick. Then die of old age. i think that s the best way to kill yourself. It s not easy, but it sure as hell is fun. It may be hard sometimes, but it s not as hard as writing a letter to your family explaining why you gave up on life. And it s so much easier than any other way, that I can tell you.
2019-03-18 8:17 am
Go to Evansville, Indiana and look at the women.
2019-03-18 7:31 am
In view of your other questions about your insecurities and depression as well as the number of times you've asked this, I don't think you are writing a book. I think you are suicidal.

Let me tell you about my best friend, Eight years ago she told no one, never spoke of suicide, went home after work, stood on a stepladder tied a rope around her neck, the other end to a rafter in the garage, and stepped off the stepladder.

Her brother heard the crash and ran out and cut her down. She suffered very severe brain damage and has been a human vegetable on life support including a feeding tube for 8 years.

I'd suggest you try therapy.
2019-03-17 11:51 am
Get some help
2019-03-17 12:14 pm
You're not writing a book, are you?
2019-03-17 1:59 pm
NO... and JUST DON'T DO IT.... nor even '' just try'' to do it.... whatsoever....PLEASE....
additional questions are to be asked in real life, in your area.
it sounds to me - until/ unless proven otherwise- you might be depressed and/ or traumatized deeply and severely enough to urgently! need the professional help of a psychiatrist or so
2019-03-17 10:18 am
don't do that
2019-03-18 5:54 am
Never kill your self
2019-03-18 9:04 am
Call your local suicide prevention hotline.
2019-03-17 7:27 pm
DO NOT DONT DONT DONT DONT DONT DONT DONT. PLEASE DONT. I lost my best friend to suicide and that was the worst feeling of my entire like. His brother called me two weeks later to tell me about his passing and i can not tell you how much i hate him for that now. I will never forgive him. I still cry whenevet i think about him. My best friend. JUST DONT DO IT. GET HELP. PLEASE.
2019-03-18 9:55 am
You're going to have to think of a better story line for your book than kllling yourself by getting hit by a car. Getting hit by a car wouldn't necessarily kill you - it might just injure you.

Since the person who's wanting to kill himself is only a fictional character in a book you're writing, have him lie down with his head on the tracks in front of an approaching, fast-moving train. That's guaranteed to kill him quickly. Works every time!!
2019-03-17 12:29 pm
Getting hit by a car would be painful.
2019-03-22 6:21 pm
Hi there, it's your life and it is your own right to kill yourself despite what everyone says here. You made the right choice my friend, the world is no longer a peaceful place to live in. The only place where that is peaceful is heaven and the only way to get there is if you leave this world full of scum. I'd suggest you shoot yourself in the back of the head because it's one of the fastest way to die. Thank you
2019-03-20 8:47 pm
But it you kill yourself I'll never get to read your book 😭😭😭
2019-03-20 2:25 pm
Yes, bad credit takes 7 years to get over.
2019-03-19 8:15 am
Jump off a cliff
2019-03-18 6:53 pm
get help please.
2019-03-20 6:15 pm
Please seek help. Also, think of what will become of the person whose car you jump in front of. That person will never be the same because of your selfish and uncaring act. He/she will relive hitting and killing you for the rest of his/her life. Go for help, please. Good luck to you!
2019-03-19 6:35 pm
HOW to kill MYSELF ? would be going out side and getting HIT by a CAR ..

. as to "SELF " . technically that would be DEATH by another person by a motor Vehicle aka VEHICLE HOMICIDE ... unless the drivers lawyer could PROVE ones INTENT of SUICIDE by the hands of another ... the other instance is SUICIDE by COP .

...the IRONIC part is SUICIDE is a CRIME .

.. but if one is SUCCESSFUL ... you can not PROSECUTE a DEAD person .. ( might be an issue with family members collecting on LIFE INSURANCE policies .

so actually ATTEMPTED SUICIDE is a CRIME ..

.. QUICK RAPID SUICIDE takes a small needle prick and injection of 5 cc of AIR ..... for CLARITY the statement not SAY one has INTENT to commit suicide .... one is WRITING a BOOK about SUICIDE for OTHERS to READ .. or self read

... the SIMPLE way is not QUICK REQUIRES NOTHING SPECIFIC ...... LIVE everyday if one Circumstances .. EVENTS ENVIRONMENT or others interaction DISEASE epidemics do not cause it

AGE and BODY SYMPTOMS decline will eventually result in DEATH .. the cessation of VITAL SYSTEMS to a living organism the definition of DEATH ..

... as to the Definition of KILL has several uses ( per dictionary )

a) deprive of LIFE to CAUSE the death of
b) to slaughter for food
c) to put an end to


F) **** to Markedly MAKE an IMPRESSION example she KILLED the audience with her presentation


h) to get THROUGH UNEVENTFULLY example reading a book was KILLED time waiting for his interview ..

.. perhaps one should TAKE a CREATIVE WRITINGS CLASS
2019-03-23 3:58 am
Both of my mothers and my baby sister committed suicide. If you really want to, no one can stop you, half the medications they give make it more likely you will. My suggestion is, this is YOUR choice. If you chose not to seek help, and move forward, don't involve other people. The person driving that car doesn't want to be a part of your plan. Don't f*** up their life just because you are done with yours. Your death should not be a sideshow. Do it in private, where you will cause the least damage to innocent people/children.
2019-03-22 5:43 pm
Please don't kill yourself, it's the worst way to solve any problems. Please get help. But never kill yourself. Please
2019-03-22 1:46 pm
F***k Off
2019-03-21 11:41 am
Simple: DON'T. There problem solved🤷🏻‍♀️ Whether it seems like it or not at the time there are many people who love you and would miss you dearly. Whatever you are going through will get better eventually, but suicide is NEVER the answer. Might I suggest therapy to help you get through it?
2019-03-21 11:23 am
OMG you need love
2019-03-21 11:19 am
What happens if you living in the country and there are no cars, or in a padded cell?
2019-03-21 1:38 am
2019-03-21 1:04 am
Don’t do it.
2019-03-20 10:35 pm
Clean your mind and praise to God.Life is God's gift to all people and we can't destroy it for nothing. Be careful and live to your old days.Good luck,pal!!!
2019-03-20 2:37 am
One's self. It isn't you, right?

The emphasis on painless suicides never made any sense. The idea is to extinguish all awareness, right? Anybody who is serious about it would choose the most readily available method, like drowning.

For a book you would want to explore that aspect, to show the calm, clear intent of the character. You should also consider the opportunity to show a redemptive side of the character. He might intervene in an intended gang rape of a woman on a dark and lawless street, getting him beaten to death but vindicated.

Too few books or movies show the actual path a person takes from daily life to the ultimate despair, or to simply giving up because the everyday challenges of life were too much. In real life (I have had minor experience with potential suicides) I have never known a potential suicide who knew the real reason they were feeling hopeless. All of them I could remember focused on a related - or sometimes unrelated - target they could blame. That should also be in the books and movies, but it isn't. Fiction is fiction, after all.
2019-03-19 8:18 pm
don't do that try to overcome your problems
2019-03-18 3:39 am
Please DO NOT kill yourself. You seem either depressed or suicidal. I'm not a phychologist, but PLEASE DO NOT. My crush had been thinking suicidal thoughts for about 2 years. She went through sexual and physical abuse. I talked her out of it. PLEASE, just get some help. I don't need to lose anybody here on earth, no matter how much I know about them. Even if it's just a stranger on the internet, if they need mental help, I will give it to them. If anybody else here tries finding an answer for this as well, the answer is DON'T KILL YOURSELF.

This has been another problem (possibly) solved by 10 year old self-proclaimed psychologist, Trayton Popowich.
2019-03-21 10:22 am
Really? Why would you post something so negative
2019-03-17 11:44 am
You bring this BS to us constantly and it is beyond a joke and pissing us off! And why is that? Almost every answer has emotion behind it... IT IS HOLDING US EMOTIONALLY HOSTAGE AND WE ARE DONE WITH IT NO MATTER YOUR REASONS! STOP IT, JUST STOP IT!




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