What can happen if detrusitol is prescribed to a patient who doesn't have an overactive bladder?, was wondering.?

2019-03-16 12:42 pm
I'm a patient who suffers with nuerogenic bladder, interstitial cystitis, enlarged bladder muscle and recently an overactive bladder, ( * forgive me for mentioning the word " bladder " over and over ), so anyway was prescribed the said drug, being working wonders so far., .... so anyway i'd like to know what happens to those who'll pretend to be sick and was prescribed said drug?, would It harm them?

P.S. I'm always thinking about the what if's.

回答 (3)

2019-03-16 12:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
most medication that are meant for a specific sickness can cause the specific sickness they are suppose to heal if the person using them doesnt have the sickness
2019-03-16 10:03 pm
With any drug that is prescribed, can have different effects on any person. That is the reason you will see in ads or even the drug a list of average of 3 pages longs of (all) the side effects you (might) have.

But, (why) would someone pretend to be sick, (unless) they were looking for a opiod drug for the doctor to prescribe.
2019-03-16 8:05 pm
Short answer, the effects of ANY medication are specific to the individual taking them. Any general answer is WRONG more often than it is right.

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