Is it worth it to get flu and tb shots for a temp. job only lasting about 5 months?

2019-03-15 6:14 pm
I was offered a temporary position working as an IT contractor for a company in Lake Charles, Louisiana. The job is only for 5 months because I'll be filling in for someone who will be on medical leave for that period of time. So there is no possibility that it can turn into a permanent position for me.

The problem is that now I am being told that a flu shot, tb shot and my bank account information (for direct deposit) is needed, along with several other verification processes. I don't have a problem with the background checks but I do have a problem with the shots. Each time I took the flu shot years ago, I got violently ill. But in the 5 years since I haven't taken it, I haven't been sick at all.

I really need to work but is it worth taking the shot for a position that will only be 5 months, with no possibility of becoming permanent? And do I take it knowing that I'll get sick and will have to take a few days off, which I won't be paid for? Also, how do I tell them that I'm comfortable with giving my account information until I've actually been hired, if it is required for the verification process? Please help!!

回答 (5)

2019-03-15 6:29 pm
Do you need the job?
Do you need the money?
If so then quit whining and get the damn shots.
2019-03-15 7:12 pm
You don't know you will get sick, you THINK you will get sick.

They want the account info for direct deposit. They can't drain your account or anything, or does anyone really want to.
2019-03-16 5:14 am
If you routinely have a bad reaction to the flu vaccination take it in two sittings. This is how they vaccinate people with suppressed immune systems. You should be taking the flu shot whether your employer requires it or not.
2019-03-15 6:40 pm
Certainly for the TB shots.
Flu is bad, but TB is a bit worse.
2019-03-15 6:22 pm
Flu shots don’t cause illness. If you got sick shortly after getting one, it was coincidental.

Flu shots aren’t 100%. The makers guess which strain will be prevalent and they get it wrong sometimes. This year, I’ve had great results with the flu shot.

Get the vaccinations.

Good Luck and good for this company for requiring the vax.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:34:58
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