How would you explain the definition of energy in a food chain to children?

2019-03-15 6:11 am
What is the simple definition of energy in a food chain? How would you explain what energy is to kids?

Thank you!!!

回答 (4)

2019-03-15 6:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
What age children? What relevant background knowledge (if any) do they have?

Energy is a very difficult and abstract concept, even for well-educated adults.

Be prepared to be incomplete and not entirely accurate.

I’d break it into the following 5 stages. Try not to move to the next stage unless you think they have a reasonable grasp of the current stage.

1) Ask them if they know any types of energy.
Cover and briefly explain kinetic energy (movement energy), light energy, heat energy, potential (stored) energy (e.g. squashed spring) and chemical energy (e.g. in fuels we can burn). Mention there are others.

2) Explain energy can be turned from one type to another. E.g. chemical energy can turn to heat energy when we burn fuels.

3) Tell them we need energy to keep us alive and make us move, e.g. keep our heart working, Compare this to burning fuels.

4) Ask them where they think we get our energy from. Discuss. Have some foods more energy than others? Do vitamins supply us with energy? (no!).

5) Ask them how they think energy gets into food. (Light to plants (photosynthesis) to animals.) Ten discuss food chain. Introduce terms: photosynthesis, producer, consumer.

There are plenty of YouTube videos on this. Good luck!
2019-03-15 8:43 am
The idea of energy in the food chain is really badly misunderstood. It is negative entropy that animals get from plants and plants get from the sun. Living organisms must create order from disorder. Energy is involved, but I would suggest teaching kids about energy another way. Maybe discuss kinetic and potential energy.
2019-03-15 6:12 am
i cant even explain it to myself
2019-03-15 6:38 am
tell thenn by how fast they can do stuff cause of having lots of energy

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