why you athiests so cold hearted :'( stop trolling us theists :''(?

2019-03-14 5:38 pm

回答 (14)

2019-03-14 5:43 pm
Not cold hearted one bit, most of you theists are very insecure, weak, super sensitive crybabies.
2019-03-14 8:32 pm
Atheism is the conclusion that there is no god due to the fact that there is no objective, empirical, incontrovertible evidence to support the alleged existence of any god or gods. That's it. That's all.

Atheism is growing as more and more people who are educated enough to see through the myths, fables, and legends, reject the illogical myth in favor of rationality and critical thinking.

Now if anyone disagrees, then feel free to present the objective, confirmed proof that any god actually exists. We'll wait.
2019-03-14 8:40 pm
You could pray for us to stop, but we both know prayer does nothing.
2019-03-14 6:16 pm
2019-03-15 5:45 am
nope trollin gobshites are best fed their own treatment ya see
2019-03-14 11:01 pm
LOL....ohhh, look at the poor Christian crying in the corner! Isn't it funny how you folks want to play the victim card while attacking anyone who disagrees with you, condemning homosexuals and people of different faiths? The most numerous and obvious trolls here, child, are you folks.
2019-03-14 8:05 pm
You don't want right answers?
2019-03-14 7:46 pm
False religion has turned so many people away from God. I can't blame them with stories of hell fire and torture and crazy pagan holidays of sex worshipped and sun worship and even worship of the nation you were born into. Our days of the week and months are named after pagan God's.
2019-03-14 6:25 pm
And there's a flag on the play.
2019-03-14 7:50 pm
atheism is full of hatred, dear.

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