My life has gone downhill. How do I recover?

2019-03-12 10:12 am
So 5 years ago life was good. I was completing my GCSEs, smashed it, straight As and above, I did lots of sport, football and long-distance running were my main ones. My dream was to be in the olympics. I ran a marathon at the age of 15, in 2 hours and 40 minutes. Everything looked like it was going in the right direction. I got into a good sixth form, felt like I didn’t fit, completed first year and switched to a different sixth form for the second year. This is when I started feeling unhappy, but I still pulled off a A*AB grades getting me into a decent university. At uni things went from ok to worse, I stopped enjoying sport, I didn’t socialize as much, I tended to stay in my room and play video games and revise, and even when my flat mates did drag me out I felt on-edge, anxious and did not have fun. I left uni, and am currently seeking employment but have been rejected a couple of times and it’s lowered my confidence even more so. I feel like time is moving fast and I’m destined to be unsuccessful. I’m 21 and I have no real work experience apart from a few retail jobs, and some modelling. My parents charge me 200 a month in rent and in my current situation I’m struggling to pay it. I need to get back to my old ways ASAP, but I fee redicjlously burnt out and unmotivated. Any tips?

I’m not looking for sympathy, I just want anyone’s advice on how I can reverse this change and get back to being the motivated person I once was.

回答 (5)

2019-03-12 10:20 am
It sounds like you have some depression. I would recommend seeking out a professional counselor so you can get an assessment and find out for sure. If you go to a counselor, make sure they do cognitive-behavioral therapy.
2019-03-12 10:57 am
nnaybe you should get sonne counseling, it nnight help you out
2019-03-12 10:30 am
You pick yourself back up and try again. Every single person in this world has difficulties.
2019-03-12 10:17 am
Pray to god an take life one step at a time life get stuff, but that's how life works but eventually you will make it out an things will be better but always give it to god he has a way of helping you.
2019-03-12 10:17 am
consider joining the military. i'm not sure how the UK works, but i'm sure they have hundreds of jobs that aren't all combat or infantry related. sometimes people don't always get to do what they love as a career, but they find something they can have a career in to make a good living, then have hobbies on the side to keep them going.

look into the benefits the military can provide. like job training, earn relevant experience to similar civilian careers, or maybe even tuition reimbursement after service if it exists.

if you don't have relevant training or a degree in a field, it's hard to get a good job. so you have to look at your options and choose the best path for you.

military lifestyle isn't for everyone either, but it can be to help get you the training and experience you need for a job / career.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:29:24
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