Can i get more pain meds from the dentist?

2019-03-10 7:07 pm
I got my wisdom teeth out 2 days ago, i only have a days worth of hydrocodone left. If i call my dentist can i ask for a refill? Would it be possible to get one? I'm in so much pain.

回答 (9)

2019-03-10 7:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
All depends on the doctor. Call and ask. Say your pain from 1-10 is a 9. Sometimes they will, sometimes they won’t. They did for me 3x. Tooth pain sucks. Feel better!!!
2019-03-10 8:21 pm
too bad you didn't have a holistic dentist, I was given homeopathic meds for my extractions and never felt any pain ever.......ask....
2019-03-12 1:47 pm
Some drs won't write meds like that because people get addicted. Not saying you don't need meds, but that's why dentists don't. You could still call and see what they say. If they won't maybe ask a pharmacist the best over the counter option.
2019-03-12 1:07 pm
You should
2019-03-11 2:54 pm
If you have my dentist he wont lmao. He never gave me any pain meds after my 4 teeth were removed.
2019-03-11 10:27 am
no, you should be able to take Motrin or maybe even ibuprofen. If your in that much pain that you need hydrocodone, go see your dentist to make sure there is no infection or damage to a nerve. Good Luck!
2019-03-11 5:34 am
Yesh dr shop
2019-03-11 2:48 am
If you're in THAT MUCH pain, maybe get in to see the dentist. Unless you have a very low tolerance to pain?

I'd try motrin after you run out of the prescription to see if that helps. And in two more days, you may be doing a lot better. I hope so
2019-03-10 8:07 pm
Try Aleve.

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