✔ 最佳答案
當一個句子裡面的主要動詞(像是你的問題裡面的動詞give)可以接受2個受詞(直接受詞gift 與 間接受詞you)的時候,這句的被動語態 就會 如你所說的 有2種變法:
Your mother gave you the gift.
Did your mother give you the gift? (疑問式)
1. 以直接受詞為主的被動:
The gift was given to you by your mother.
Was the gift given to you by your mom?(被動疑問式)
The gift was from your mom. (better)
Was this gift from your mom? (better)
2. 以間接受詞為主的被動:
You were given the gift by your mother.
Were you given the gift by your mother?(被動疑問式)
You received the gift from your mom. (better)
Did you ... ? (better)
3. 以上的被動疑問句 雖然都合乎文法 卻都是爛句!
就像你說中語的時候 會說 "這禮物被你媽媽給你"? 你不要笑死人了好嗎?