whats you natural haircolor and would you ever think of dying it?

2019-03-08 5:14 am

回答 (27)

2019-03-10 2:02 pm
Brown to light blonde hair, hate my pale skin and brown hair and blue eyes
2019-03-09 1:17 am
My hair is red but quite a dark red.
I wouldn't dye it because I like the colour. It's different and I always get compliments. If I had a normal brown or blonde I probably would dye it black. Black is beautiful.
2019-03-08 9:53 am
I am naturally a brunette and have dyed my hair almost every colour (even the crazy ones) since the age of 9.

10 years later I currently have brown hair with blonde highlights and I eventually want to go completely blonde.

If I had the option now I would never have started to dye my hair as it is so damaged and prone to frizz.
2019-03-08 6:06 am
My natural hair color is black, and no, I don't ever think of changing the color. ;)
2019-03-08 5:15 am
It’s dark brown. I bleach the middle and ends for an ombré and add toner. I’ve never bleached the roots. Used to have a red ombré
2019-03-13 11:16 am
light brown, I dye my hair on a regular basis.
2019-03-13 4:22 am
My hair is black, which is my favorite color, so i would never dye it.
2019-03-12 9:56 am
Very dark brown and I have dyed it many colors but not anymore
2019-03-11 9:17 pm
2019-03-11 5:36 pm
Black. I once dyed it purple. No regrets
2019-03-10 9:27 pm
my natural hair is a mix of light and dirty blonde.
i’m never dying it again
2019-03-10 9:06 pm
It was red, has faded now from sandy on top to white beard in a graduated way. If never consider dying it as I'm a man.
2019-03-10 7:19 pm
I have a dark brown hair, and I want to dye it dirty blonde/light brown, but not such if my school will allow it. Help?
2019-03-10 4:08 pm
Dark brown. I dye it.
2019-03-10 12:02 pm
Dark to medium brown. Yes, I have thought about dying it, but haven't ever done so.
2019-03-10 3:34 am
Dark brown and I dye it to dry it out as it is very oily
2019-03-09 9:04 pm
Dark brown and yes. I want to dye it like an teal color at the bottom.
2019-03-09 6:53 pm
Bright red-orange. See picture. No way would I dye this beautiful colour :P
2019-03-09 6:53 pm
Dark brown and i have but I'm too lazy to actually dye it. My hair is really long plus I wanna keep it healthy so no dying it for me.
2019-03-09 4:29 pm
Nope. I think the most I will do is add highlights.
2019-03-09 5:50 am
my natural hair color is pure blonde*....n NO i would NEVER even think about dying it*....ppl have stopped and asked me WHERE i get this color from? what store/what box..to dye ur hair did it come from*....they're shocked when I say it's my natural hair color* ....they then look at my eyebrows n can see im pure blonde* they say how LUCKY I am....n that they couldn't find my blonde color anywhere*
2019-03-08 10:26 am
My natural color is a medium brown.
I have it bleached and highlighted blonde, and I color purple over it.
I leave my natural color as a bit of shadow root, and get highlights every 8 weeks. Then I dye over the highlights with purple. It washes out by the time I need more highlights. Because I've gotten highlights so much, i'm basically blonde. When i color it purple, then its like all of my hair is purple with a shadow root that is darker purple.
2019-03-08 8:33 am
I don't like my natural color, it's a mousy dark blond. I bleached my hair so I could do fashion colors like pink, blue, purple. I've been all most every color accept black, which won't go with my skin tone.
2019-03-08 7:17 am
Don't know. I've been coloring it for like, 10 years. Would love to let it go natural. Dyeing it is a royal pain.
2019-03-08 7:02 am
Blonde and I've already dyed it many times
2019-03-08 5:25 am
I have dyed my hair every frickin' color that's out there; red, blue, green, purple, black and bleached, ugh... my natural hair color NOW is mousy, flat ugly brown with lots of gray running through it. I shaved it all off last year to get it back to healthy again and only dye it with Lush's henna blocks and my hair is HEALTHY. Like, super-healthy. No more boxes or bleach or funky colors for me, ever.
2019-03-11 7:01 am
I have colored my hair since I was 18. I don’t dread it one bit.

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