is it okay to drink expired soda?

2019-03-07 6:26 am
I have a Dr Pepper bottle and the date says February 13th 2019 is it okay to drink?

回答 (14)

2019-03-07 6:28 am
Expiration dates on pop are suggestions. I've drank pop that's 2-3 years expired. No harm here.
2019-03-07 7:07 am
OMG no! It turned to poison at 12:01AM on February 14! snort >>>>>
2019-03-08 7:05 pm
As long as you don't inhale
2019-03-07 6:49 am
Of course. You can drink it a year past the expire date and even then the worst thing would be it was a little flat.
2019-03-07 7:29 am
When in doubt, buy another one, keep the receipt, return the old one with the receipt, drink the fresh one.
2019-03-13 1:04 am
it will just be flat
2019-03-11 2:07 am
yes they tend to be a bit flat though
2019-03-09 1:27 pm
According to the New York Times, expired soda is safe to drink. An article about expired Coca Cola stated that even soda old enough to grow mold poses very little health risk.
2019-03-08 9:40 am
2019-03-08 3:32 am
The expiration date on most soda is a marketing thing, not a health thing.
2019-03-07 7:47 am
It's safe to drink
2019-03-07 7:07 am
It's ok to drink. Worst case scenario is that it is flat when opened.
2019-03-07 6:57 am
Risk vs. Reward. You're considering making yourself ill over what - $0.50 to $1.20?!
2019-03-07 6:35 am
as long as it was never opened ...........................................

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