Did you know that Jesus loves you and He cares for you.?

2019-03-07 1:51 am
His love for you is far greater than your mistakes. You could give Him a thousand reasons not to love you and that would never change His mind. I just want to let you know that it doesn't matter what you have done or said you are worth saving and I pray you come to Him so He can wash your paun away.

回答 (11)

2019-03-07 1:57 am
no way could i love a 2000 year old dead hippy. Its disgusting
2019-03-07 1:57 am
Is that why he created a place of eternal torment for most of us?
2019-03-07 1:55 am
He loves me? Priests say that to little children, and look how that turned out.
2019-03-07 1:53 am
The people who follow him sure don't. I've yet to meet this person you call Jesus myself (he's got better PR at least).
2019-03-07 1:53 am
I know that if he existed, he was just a guy and is long dead and hence can no longer feel emotions like love.
2019-03-07 2:33 am
Did you know that your post qualifies as chat, or rant and is in violation of the Community Guidelines?
2019-03-07 1:53 am
So does Superman but he knows enough to leave my paun alone. Dat ting cost me tree fiddy.
2019-03-07 1:52 am
But I like my paun....
2019-03-07 2:50 am
And he will still torture you forever if you do not kiss his AS$.
2019-03-14 6:32 am
He hates me. My name is Amber
2019-03-07 5:09 am
You know, magical fairies claim the same thing, they always love you no matter what. Now if I can get them to cook dinner for us, i'd be fine with that.

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