Is it bad to have a drivers license that says under 21 but I’m 21?

2019-03-06 9:42 pm
I turned 21 in November and I have a drivers license from Georgia. But after I turned 21 I left to New York and been in New York for 3 months now. So I don’t have a updated lisence because I ordered one and apparently it’s been in my moms house all along in Georgia. She doesn’t want to send it to me. But I mean my current Id that says I’m under 21 expires until 2025. So am I still able to use it

回答 (14)

2019-03-07 4:25 am
No, Estela, it's not bad. You can use the GA issued license to do whatever you want until it expires.

However, and this is a big however, do you now reside in NYS? If so you are legally obligated to apply for a NYS license. Unless you are in NYS for the purpose of attending an institution of higher learning your GA is not valid long-term in New York.
2019-03-06 11:00 pm
Is it bad? No. Maybe you should go get a NY license if you plan an staying there.
2019-03-06 10:30 pm
They'll be able to see your correct age based on your birth date.
2019-03-06 10:03 pm
Since you now live in NY, you need to get a NY drivers license. Then GA license is valid ( if not expired). Your birth date is on it and says you are over 21. Anytime you move state you need to get a license for where you live and not keep the old.
2019-03-06 9:44 pm
You're good. It still has your birth date on it.
2019-03-07 8:31 pm
If you were issued a new license, then the old one is NO LONGER VALID. You need to have that new license.
2019-03-07 4:31 am
It depends on the state where you live, but if you are no longer under the age of 21 you should consider changing the permit to be updated.
2019-03-07 8:38 pm
Mike: Who cares about Arizona? Several states allow alcohol consumption by 18 year olds, in some situations.
2019-03-07 12:02 pm
No. But is is bad to have a license from a state where you don't live.

You would be able to use the license if it was from the state where you live.

However, because you don't live in the state that issued to the license, you cannot use it to drive.

To drive, you can only use a license that is from the state where you live.

Whether it says under 21 doesn't matter for driving. However, it might keep you from using it to purchase alcoholic beverages or tobacco products.
2019-03-06 10:02 pm
No, idiot, it's not.

Your licence card has your date of birth printed right on the front. That, nothing else, is the first and final date anyone is going to look at.

Sending your personal ID to you isn't your mom's option, so it doesn't matter whether she wants to or not. Tell her to stop being a childish **** and forward it to you.
2019-03-06 9:43 pm
why won't your mom send it to you? that seems unlikely
2019-03-06 10:39 pm
Why would it be bad?
2019-03-08 8:08 am
The Law:
"You must exchange your-out-state driver license (from another U.S. state or territory, federal district or Canadian province) within 30 days of becoming a resident of New York."

Legally you should have transfered your license to NY and got a NY license card 2 months ago. The license that says you're under 21 is no longer a valid license. You need to get the one from your mom's place and get your license transferred to NY as soon as possible.

Don't worry about being late with transferring it too much. Police can fine you but they usually don't.

Don't get pulled over with that invalid license that says you're under 21. Not being pulled over in certain areas of NY is impossible. Depending what area you're in you're going to get pulled over at some point. Get this corrected so you're legal as soon as possible.

You're not legal both driving and living there right now.
2019-03-06 10:14 pm
In New York state it is valid for purchase of alcohol - see the source.

It is even valid in Arizona, where "under 21" Arizona licenses can't be used for alcohol. Purchase of alcohol here is forbidden on a vertical "under 21" Arizona license except for a 30 day grace period following the 21st birthday. Yep - forbidden for 21 years, allowed for a month, then forbidden again unless the license is updated.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:33:27
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