How to find happiness within yourself? What does this mean, just to accept things for how they are or how would you interpret it?

2019-03-05 6:17 am

回答 (4)

2019-03-05 7:09 am
First, consider the prayer of theologian Reinhold Neibuhr, commonly known as the Serenity Prayer - "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference."

Marsha Linehan, the psychologist who created DBT, which seems to be the best treatment for borderline personality disorder, a serious mental illness, says that acceptance is not liking things. Rather it's learning to live with something you don't like that won't go away soon.

We all have something called emotional self-regulation. It's purpose is to keep us "grounded" - keep us from going crazy. It's like the part of our systems that keeps our body temperatures the same in all kinds of weather. Our self-regulation doesn't want us to get too agitated or too lethargic.

Self-regulation can use bad things, like smoking, or good things, like healthy lifestyle and the principles of cognitive therapy.

I've spent years researching therapies and I have info about these in my answers - the basic lifestyle program developed at the Univ of Kansas and traditional Asian mind-body methods. Click and read if you like.
2019-03-05 6:54 am
Please see a doctor thanks first, and ask if

Cognitive behaviour therapy would suit?

If so please check out these two sites thanks.

Moodgym ANU



Very best wishes


Source:) hold quals in CBT and use it

2019-03-05 6:21 am
I think it means to stop looking for happiness everywhere else, to stop looking for happiness with other people. You need to become comfortable with yourself, what you are, and accept that no matter how hard you try, you can’t change who you are. Once you do that, then you will be happy.
2019-03-05 6:20 am
Meditation of real love bonds helps. Do nightly. Increase mental description of each. Chronological clearity included in final meditation draft. Repeat refocus often as needed.

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