Why does the man who says he loves me, want nothing to do with me??? He even blocked me off of Instagram!!!?

2019-03-05 12:06 am
I met this guy at a university play & we were both acting together as husband and wife! Eventually we begun to have interest in eachother, but I made the first move.I was 19, he was 27.I moved to USA to study for 6 months from UK & he was from USA.I would spend most of my time with him at his place, getting quite intimate.I told him that I was seeing other people cause we're not even dating & he was very put off with that! We would have some frequent arguments cause I felt like he wasn't sure whether he wanted me & once he said he was never attracted to me. one day out of the blue, he said he wanted to give me his heart.I said I love you as a friend. He would keep on saying to me that when I leave USA, I'm gonna forget about him & tell my friends that I had an unserious fling with an American guy.I kept on saying no!We had an argument once & i ignored his messages for a while, but he was eager to surprise me for my birthday with an expensive dinner. I've caught him staring at me adoringly whilst I was sleeping like his in a trance.He would tell people that were in a relationship. But when I return to England, he never even calls me and his messages are stiff.Then I find out he deleted all our pictures on social media & unfollowed me & he never talks to me- it's been 3 months! I called him out on it & I said goodbye forever & he said goodbye, without no explanation.Whats going on?I really like him & don't understand where this came from! I just want to be friends at least.

回答 (3)

2019-03-05 12:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
You guys are living two different lifestyles, why wouldnt you want to be with someone that you could share that lifestyle with? Secondly you have friend zoned him numerous times while he was trying to make moves. Why should he be stuck on a girl that is showing him signs that she wants to just be friends? Why do you want him to waste his time so badly? He probably realized time is precious. Also your ages are totally different. He’s trying to settle down and start a family, you’re going off to a different country and figuring out your life. Just let this sitatuion go tbh
2019-03-05 12:08 am
He's realized you are borderline psychotic and way too high maintenance.
2019-03-05 12:19 am
The thing with international relationships is that owing to immigration restrictions they kind of have to be all or nothing (meaning marriage and spousal sponsorship or you just break up). So this guy may know the landscape well enough to understand that the only possible future with you would be to get married prematurely just to see if things might work out between you, and he's apparently not willing to do that.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:32:53
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