Why does helping a friend cheat on a test give them a higher grade than you?

2019-03-04 11:50 pm
So I don’t know if you have been told this or maybe I heard it wrong but I was told not to help friends cheat on exams or assignments because then it will give them a higher grade than you. But is this true?

回答 (2)

2019-03-05 2:21 am
Can be If you tell them everything you know and they already know things you don't then they are going to know more so will get a higher grade.
2019-03-04 11:54 pm
What is true is that cheating is bad for both of you. For you, you are giving away your hard work and studying to someone who is lazy and doesn't deserve to have you do his work. For him, he won't learn the material by cheating and as time goes on and other subjects build on the covered information, he will continue failing.
Lose/lose situation.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:33:52
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