When life begin?

2019-03-04 6:36 am

回答 (5)

2019-03-04 7:26 am
At conception, then at birth, and then through your childhood, and then through adolescence, and then into your adult years and into your senior years and then your body dies, and another type of Life begins. Some say it is either heaven or hell, and other ppl say that it begins a new Life on planet E as an embryo in another human female body, growing in Life until you are born again, and on and one you go.
2019-03-04 6:38 am
Life begins when the baby exits the womb and begins crying. Life does NOT start at conception, like many pro-lifers claim.
2019-03-04 8:14 am
at conception....
2019-03-04 6:37 am
At conception.
2019-03-04 6:44 am
Beginnings and endings belong to physical objects, when you walk into a dark room and click the switch, when does the light begin? and when does the light end? Life has no beginning and neither does the unborn babies life have a begging,

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:44:25
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