I’ve lost my bank card?

2019-03-04 4:07 am
I’ve called up who I’m with and they’ve stopped it for me but they won’t send me a new one because I didn’t pass the 2 security questions, which were: how much did you take out your bank on the 2nd of February and how much did you spend on the 4th of February. Like how do they actually expect me to remember that, when I’ve used it since then. Anyway my question is if I go in to my bank and tell them that way will they still ask them sort of questions? If I bring my passport, birth certificate and letter with me.

回答 (10)

2019-03-04 4:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Go to the bank with ID. A passport should work.
2019-03-04 5:23 am
You should have a bank statement either on paper or on line telling you what you took out on Feb. 2.
2019-03-04 5:05 am
Take your ID into your bank.
2019-03-04 8:16 am
I don't know who you called, but those ARE NOT the security questions asked by banks. Now look up the REAL number for your bank ad report the account number is in the possession of a criminal.
2019-03-04 8:02 am
I smell a troll.
2019-03-05 5:57 am
Your bank statement should have those transactions...can you log into an account online?
2019-03-04 4:24 pm
u go to your bank with your id and u will have your bank card in a mail in a few days
2019-03-04 12:04 pm
Do this:

Go onto their website/online banking, and bring up a list of your transactions, including the amounts and dates. Call them again, and when they ask you the questions, look to see what the correct answer is.
2019-03-04 4:11 am
Log into your online account and see what you spent on those days.
2019-03-04 4:12 am
Ohh and just to add I DO NOT have an online account as I tried to get one but my bank wasn’t helpful at all.

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