請問sb spent three days on N/in ving SVO後面的on N/in Ving是作為副詞用的介係詞片語嗎?

2019-03-03 8:53 pm

回答 (4)

2019-03-04 1:49 am
✔ 最佳答案

在牛津詞典中,查找動詞“spend",你會發現,就 "使用時間" 的含義而言(to use time for a particular purpose),有以下幾種用法:
1- spend something + adv./prep.
2- spend something on something
3- spend something doing something
4- spend something in doing something

"spend" 在這裡是一個及物動詞,something 是它的受詞(直接賓語),一般是有關時間的名詞,接後就是副詞性質的短語 (including prepositional phrases and participle phrases),說明目的。
2019-03-05 10:38 am
Spend 是不及物動詞,與介詞on連用,形成及物動詞,而in+ ving形成介詞片語,當副詞修飾動詞spend,也有可能是當形容詞修飾其前邏輯主詞,例The girl in red shirt is my sister.
2019-03-04 12:23 am
In this pattern the verb is followed by a direct object and a preposition and its object.
Sb spent-----Subject+v
3 days------DO
Now the object may be a noun phrase
=sleep through testing
=not to be woken up by a clinic machine noise;
However, the prepositional phrase(介係詞後的名詞可以不抽象) is variable, eg:-
spend 3 days on electronic oscilloscope-------prepositional phrase
spent 3 days under the (sleeping tunnel);eg:-
spent 3 days in the (exhausing body-pump);eg:-
spend in doing sth in explaining a clinic plan in all his energy---adv phrase.
2019-03-23 9:00 am
Somebody have spent three days on studying in writing. Yip

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