Has Trump resurrected the Republican party?

2019-03-03 8:10 am

回答 (11)

2019-03-03 8:11 am
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nope, it's been right there for years .........................................
2019-03-03 8:11 am
2019-03-03 8:13 am
We're going to see a massive backlash against Trump in 2020. It's already started.

Koch brothers to intervene in 2020 GOP primaries to unseat Trump
2019-03-03 8:15 am
In the short term but it will go down in flames because it is being headed by a treasonous traitor, a conman, kleptocrat, liar, racist and an unindicted felon.
2019-03-03 8:12 am
Destroyed is more like it
2019-03-03 10:33 am
no. they approve of a man cheating on a pregnant wife, $ trillion deficit. The GOP is no longer conservative. A bunch of crackpots.
2019-03-03 8:20 am
He has trashed the GOP. It used to be that I, an left-leaning independent, could respect Republicans even if I normally tend to disagree with them more than the Dems. Now they are (a few exceptions here and there) complete suck-ups to our current corrupt, lawless, and amoral president
2019-03-03 8:22 am
The People have returned to common sense and reality.
Trump is just a consequence.
2019-03-03 8:18 am
Yeah just like Gage was resurrected in Pet Cemetery.
2019-03-03 8:50 am
No, he's killed both parties

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