What is another way to cure measles besides using vaccines??

2019-03-02 1:34 am

回答 (16)

2019-03-02 7:15 am
Vaccines do not "cure" measles. There is no cure for measles. Getting vaccinated prompts the body's own immune system to resist a virus naturally. This is why vaccines must be given *before exposure* to a virus. Bcuz after you've already got measles, only God can help cure you.
參考: Retired nurse
2019-03-02 1:35 am
Pretty sure vaccines can only prevent measles, not cure it. Corrections welcome.

#EDIT: Traditional vaccines only prevent disease, but therapeutic vaccines are used to treat an existing disease. Google "therapeutic vaccines" for more info if you desire.
2019-03-02 2:01 am
THE WORST KIND GOES on for 2 weeks and there is also a 3 day measles...ITS NOT WRONG TO PREVENT MEASLES AND SMALLPOX.
2019-03-02 11:12 pm
Besides death, there is no other way to get rid of measles. Just get vaccinated please.
2019-03-02 1:49 am
Measles and most other illnesses caused by viruses have not been "cured" in the sense that an antibiotic can cure a bacteriological infection. Treatments that can help support a patient and treat the symptoms can help a patient while the immune system finally destroys the virus. So a patient suffering from a viral infection could get fluids, drugs to help with congestion or inflammation, etc., but none of these are cures.

Some viruses that have been fatal in the past can be treated with supportive care that could result in a extended life expectancy, for example HIV.

Vaccines stimulate the immune system to already be prepared to fight the virus before an infection. Giving the patient partial immunity to the virus.
2019-03-02 2:56 am
Let the disease run its course and hope you don't die.
2019-03-02 1:38 am
Wait two weeks
2019-03-02 10:25 am
You either get over it or you die. mostly you die.
2019-03-02 2:57 am
I didn't think this was a health site. Why not google that question. You would probably get many remedies.
2019-03-04 6:47 am
You could die

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