Hit curb see picture . Have a question?

2019-03-01 1:58 pm
I Hit curb on the highway and had to get my car towed . I was able to exit ramp and park it though .

The tow truck guy that took my car to tire shop thought there was damage and wanted me to take it to one of his shops .

However when me and the guy at tire shop looked under car we didn't really notice anything under the car when it was lifted i also don't know a whole lot bout cars though.

However I'm nervous now cause tomorrow they are supposed to put two new rims with tires plus alignment .

However based on the picture does it look like something worse ?

I'm nervous as i hope everything goes smoothly .

回答 (7)

2019-03-01 2:04 pm
The car looks dirty and ugly but that’s about all I see at that angle.
2019-03-01 3:09 pm
get tires done then take it to a body shop for them to inspect it, not to the tow truck drivers shop.
2019-03-01 2:33 pm
We cannot possibly tell from that picture if there is any damage to anything else but the wheel.

What we'd like to know is what dumbass stunt you had to pull to do that?

2019-03-02 12:44 am
I don't know anything about the people that are going to repair the car, so call the BBC there in your town/city and ask if they have any complaints about them. A lot of people who get ripped off will call the Better Business Burrow first to complain and they keep records.
2019-03-01 8:36 pm
If the rims are bent get them replaced and then go to an alignment shop for a 4 wheel alignment. You can't see bent parts unless the damage is severe.
Putting the vehicle on an alignment machine will let the mechanic know if a suspension part needs replacing. The tow truck guy may not be the right person to trust.
參考: Mitsubishi Master Tech
2019-03-01 7:20 pm
The picture is useless except to see the wheel rim damage.

What should be checked are all the suspension and steering components to see if any parts are bent or broken. That is not always readily visible.
2019-03-01 2:02 pm
Ya your front bumper is scratched.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:30:09
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