How much damage would a Man City Quadruple do to Man Utd?

2019-03-01 12:01 am
I mean surely Manchester would have to become a safe blue seat and people all over the world would be thinking why am I supporting United when they are so much worse than the other team in Manchester? This is the case already anyway...

回答 (6)

2019-03-01 3:52 pm
Nothing to the club but the fans might need counselling as they are only used to winning
2019-03-01 1:53 am
Not much it would hurt Liverpool, Chelsea and Tottenham plastic fans more.
2019-03-01 12:04 am
This is why people hate Mancs,total gobshite pr*cks
2019-03-01 2:39 am
None at all, it would still take them decades to match United's trophy haul, and the odds of them winning the Champions League is low.
2019-03-01 12:37 am
It would damage everyone that a team this poor could achieve something like that
2019-03-01 7:20 am
what are they supposed to do about it, if it were to happen?

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