Do you think that Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, should be prosecuted over car accident?

2019-02-28 7:55 pm

回答 (9)

2019-02-28 7:57 pm
No. As you say, it was an accident.

The worst he could potentially be prosecuted for would be driving without due care and attention which for a first offence could result in his license being endorsed or revoked. He has voluntarily surrendered it so there would be nothing to gain from pursuing what would reasonably be construed as frivolous if not vexatious litigation.
2019-02-28 7:57 pm
Would any other 97-year-old man get prosecuted for it? Not bloody likely, so why should he? It was an accident, i.e., no criminal intent.
2019-02-28 7:59 pm
As he has relinquished his driving licence it would be a complete waste of public money. Any fine would be paid by the tax payer too.
2019-02-28 8:13 pm
Not really. No doubt he's admitted liability, in which case, it becomes a case for the insurance companies
2019-02-28 8:02 pm
No. What’s the point
2019-02-28 7:59 pm
why? it was just accident, it's not like he intentionally caused it
2019-07-25 12:27 am
No. I want to see how far he can drive while blind.
2019-03-01 1:53 am
No one gets prosecuted over an accident where no one got hurt. Why are you suggesting that he should be treated differently from everyone else?
2019-02-28 9:03 pm
No he got spoke to, the same punishment anyone else would get, a speaking to.

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