if there is a grizzly bear near you, what would you do?

2019-02-27 9:01 pm

like, it is not doing anything yet, but he sees you

回答 (15)

2019-03-01 7:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
I killed the last bear that got to close to me. Made him into a rug.
2019-02-27 10:06 pm
I would be as quiet as possible while trying to think of a tree to climb.
And while in that tree I would pray.
2019-02-27 9:21 pm
Give him my picnic basket!
2019-02-28 11:19 pm
Get away from it as quickly as possible and have my .357 Mag. revolver in my hand in case I would have to use it.
2019-02-28 2:05 am
Run like h*ll
2019-02-27 11:09 pm
I would love to pet it but I'm most likely in danger so Id walk away while keeping my eye on it
2019-02-27 10:01 pm
I would try to make myself look bigger than I am by raising my arms and yelling at the bear. If that doesn't work or there isn't a tree nearby to climb, then I would curl up in the fetal position and play dead. Doing that has saved lots of peoples lives.
2019-02-27 9:54 pm
There's only black bears where I live.
But with any bear it would depend on the situation I was in at the time.
2019-02-27 9:39 pm
There was a grizzly in my parents back yard We called animal control... but he left before animal control got to the house.

lol. The paw prints were HUGE!
2019-02-27 9:22 pm
A real one? Reason I ask, is because we don't have them in my country!
2019-02-27 9:20 pm
Kill it with my bare hands.
2019-02-27 9:07 pm
Throw my food at it and then slowly walk away.
2019-02-27 9:04 pm
Love him because it's me in the mirror.
2019-02-27 9:03 pm
Say your prayers
2019-02-27 9:03 pm
I would find a way to hide in a spot where he won't find me!!! but you have to have some luck if there is one near!!

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